Today's Golfer (UK)




“I wanted to take this time to say that this is my official, my one and only time to talk about this, where I am officially declaring my fealty to the PGA Tour. I’m a PAC (Player Advisory Council) member and I have a lot of belief in Jay Monahan and the product.”

JUNE 2022

“To be honest, part of the (LIV) format is not really appealing to me. Shotgun three days to me is not a golf tournament, no cut. I want to play against the best in the world in a format that’s been going on for hundreds of years.”

JUNE 2022

“Will our lifestyle change if I got $400 million? No, it will not change one bit. Truth be told, I could retire right now with what I’ve made and live a very happy life and not play golf again. So I’ve never really played the game of golf for monetary reasons. I play for the love of the game, and I want to play against the best in the world. I’ve always been interested in history and legacy, and right now the PGA Tour has that.”


“(Money is) not why I started playing, it’s not the reason why I play. So when I’m doing my schedule, money is not really on my mind. If it was, I probably might have gone to LIV, right? If money is your goal, that’s clearly the path to go down. Every decision I make when it comes to golf is to become the best player I can become.”

JUNE 2023

“The general feeling is that a lot of people feel a bit of betrayal from (PGA Tour) management. I understand why they had to keep it so secret. It’s just not easy as a player that’s been involved, like many others, to wake up and see this bombshell. That’s why we’re all in a state of limbo, because we don’t know what’s going on and how much is finalised, and how much they can talk about, either.”

JULY 2023

“We all had the chance to go to LIV and take the money and we chose to stay at the PGA Tour for whatever reason we chose. As I’ve said before, I already make an amazing living doing what I do. I’m extremely thankful, and that all happened because of the platform the PGA Tour provided me. As far as I’m concerned, they’ve done enough for me, and their focus should be on improving the PGA Tour and the game of golf for the future generation­s.”


“I laugh when people rumour me with LIV Golf. I’ve never liked the format. And I always have a good time with Phil Mickelson and Sergio Garcia in the practice rounds of Majors.”

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