Today's Golfer (UK)



What was your first car, and what do you drive now?

My first car was a Vauxhall Corsa, a silver one, which I spent way too much money on to try and make it look better, but in hindsight it probably looked horrific. And now I drive a Range Rover, which is a bit of an upgrade.

What was your first job?

I would say golf was my first job, but I did work in my dad’s office for a very short time before that. That was doing general admin, inputting and so on... they worked in utilities; gas and electric.

What’s your wildest Pro-am or caddie story?

When I played in India, the caddie was telling me how the 6th was his favourite hole. And we got there, and it was just a straightfo­rward par 3, nothing special about it at all. I was thinking, “This is a bit odd.”

I hit my shot and he was then, like, “Boss, boss… ” and he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the back of the tee. He pulled the weeping willows back, and there was marijuana growing behind the tee. That was why it was the caddie’s favourite…

Who’s the most famous person in your phone book?

I’d say it’s either Nick Faldo or John Terry.

Have you ever been starstruck? And if so, when?

Yes, I have been. I’m not very easily starstruck… except for when I was trying to hit golf balls next to Tiger Woods on the range at the Dubai Desert Classic. He literally practised right next to me. In that situation, when you both hit

Name: Zane Scotland Nationalit­y: English Age: 41

Tour: Former European Tour Pro wins: 11

your shot, all you do is look at his ball to see where it’s going!

If you were a caddie, which player would you least like to carry for?

Sergio Garcia. Fanny Sunesson said he was very difficult to carry for.

Would you rather have more sex, more money or more fame?

I wouldn’t chase fame. And having more money would probably bring more sex...

What’s your most annoying habit?

I’m often late.

What scares you the most?

Not that much. But I’ll say snakes.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

My granddad always said, “The one thing that failure can’t live with is persistenc­e.” I think that’s true.

When was the last time you broke a golf club on purpose?

I broke one in a car park once, but I was just a kid. I’ve not broken any since I’ve been a profession­al.

If you could bring back one defunct tournament, which would it be?

The Lancome Trophy, which we played at Saint-nom-la-breteche.

Which is your favourite city to play golf in?

Paris. It has a mix of nice golf courses as well as culture and food. Chantilly, Saint-nom-la-breteche and so on. And it’s not a city, but Belle Mare Plage in Mauritius is magical. You start your day in paradise; white sand, blue sea, lovely food by the beach. Then you literally walk across the road to get in your buggy and play golf on a beautiful course.

Would you prefer to win a Major or hole the winning putt in the Ryder Cup?

Win a Major. It has to be.

Where would you like to see the Ryder Cup staged?

On a links. I really enjoyed Western Gailes. It would be great to see a Ryder Cup there.

How would you like to be remembered?

As someone who helped people discover golf. And as a good dad.

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