BBC Top Gear Magazine


The days of dad tinkering on the family car on the driveway are long gone, says TGTV’s Sam Philip


For much of my childhood my dad was just a pair of legs

To clarify he had a torso and arms and a head still does for that matter but for much of the Eighties and Nineties they were hidden beneath a Ford Sierra or Orion or a beige Volvo estate A pair of oilstained jeans surrounded by a scatter of tools and halfdrunk mugs of tea

My dad wasn’t a mechanic He had a day job but when he wasn’t doing his day job he was mending cars Not a hobby as such more penny pinching He suffered a morbid aversion to paying someone else to do something he could do himself even if doing it himself involved a fortnight of research into the intricacie­s of Citroen wiring looms the purchase of some specialist equipment from a shady chap with a Latvian phone number and thereafter a series of increasing­ly violent electrocut­ions accompanie­d by increasing­ly violent swearwords

Man the shocks My dad treated electrocut­ions not as a hazard but as a thumbsup from physics proof that he was really getting to the nub of the problem He also had an uncanny ability to electrocut­e himself when carrying out a task that didn’t obviously involve electricit­y in any way He’d often wander in from say performing a simple oil change sporting a wildeyed look and smelling of burnt chips muttering “Now that was a lively one ”


His sole concession to safety was a pair of rusty ramps that would periodical­ly buckle under the weight of the car leaving him pinned beneath somehow unscathed whistling patiently until a family member might arrive with a trolley jack But somehow he always got the thing going‰ after a couple of days of banging and swearing there would eventually emerge a triumphant “aha!” followed by the phutphutphrrrr of an engine firing to life then the faint zap of a small celebrator­y electrocut­ion

He wasn’t alone Most men of my dad’s age spent most of their weekends beneath cars‰ fiddling fixing getting electrocut­ed It’s not something you see so much anymore the enthusiast­ic amateur wedged under a car having a good rummage Partly this is because my feckless generation prefers avocado toast and chia smoothies to proper oily manual labour But mostly of course it’s because new cars are becoming ever more complex requiring ever more sophistica­ted diagnostic kit and ever tinier fingers to tackle

Electric cars? Worse still From a powertrain perspectiv­e at least they’re pretty much a closed sealed shop to even the most gungho home mechanic No everything wasn’t better in the good old days when you could fix a car with nothing more than brute force and a sharpened flint but let’s face it‰ the dawn of the electric era probably spells the end for the enthusiast­ic driveway tinkerer This feels a shame Not because it represents a fraying of the onceintimate symbiosis between driver and machine blah blah but because EVs surely offer the amateur mechanic the chance for some immense and satisfying electric shocks?

Sam Philip is the TopGear telly script editor and a mag and web regular for over 15 years. He also enjoys racing classic Ferraris, restoring air-cooled 911s, and lying about his interests

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