Top Sante (UK)

Q My job is sedentary – are there any discreet exercises I can do at my desk without disturbing my colleagues? Sue, 55


A If you find yourself seated for long periods of time, try to get up from your chair for at least five minutes every hour – this could be to make a cup of tea or walk to the bathroom. Try not to be seated for more than an hour at a time. But while you are at your desk, try to do at least one of these exercises every hour and repeat each five times. HIP MARCHES: Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor, in line with your hips. Lift one knee straight up as far as is comfortabl­e, pause for a couple of seconds and then repeat with the other leg. This will engage your hips and thighs. GLUTE ACTIVATORS: Sit up straight and, one side at a time, aim to contract your glutes (bottom) muscles as hard as you can and hold for five seconds before gradually releasing and changing sides. Glutes are the main muscles that become inactive from being sedentary. AB CONTRACTIO­NS: Sit tall and draw your belly button in towards your spine as far as you can without simply sucking your stomach in. Hold for five seconds then gradually release. ANKLE FLEXION: Raise one leg off the floor. Once straight, point your toes away from you and hold for five seconds, then flex your foot towards you and hold for five seconds. Repeat this sequence five times before changing legs.

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