Total 911

Sales debate

Are 964 prices overly inflated right now?


Browse the used 911 market and you’ll find lots of examples for sale right now. From early impact-bumper cars right up to 991s, there’s a lot to choose from. Despite this, however, values haven’t slumped much lower after a slight drop at the start of 2018. With many cars hanging around in classified­s listings, this has lead to some suggesting classic values are currently overheated. This could be especially true of the 964: the 964-generation of Carreras have stuck stubbornly close to 993 values for some time now, despite the later 993 offering a car which has a vastly improved suspension and, most would say, a better overall driving experience. So does the 964 market currently have a lot of hot air in it?

Marc Elgar, sales manager at Porsche Centre Portsmouth, doesn’t believe so, pointing to the fact that once again the classic market is on a crest of a wave in popularity. He says: “Older models have had a real resurgence lately. The 964 and even the 996 have seen significan­t value rises in the last few months. Probably helped by the warm weather and a distinct lack of new 911s available, there’s a real air of enthusiasm around the classic stuff right now. I think values are here to stay.”

It’s a view broadly shared by another Porsche expert residing on the UK’S south coast, Philip Raby. “Today 964s are hot property; people appreciate their more classic looks, combined with a relatively modern driving experience. Also, there’s an argument – which I agree with – that the 964 is a more fun car to drive. It feels rawer and more involving than a 993, which seems tame in comparison. I’d go as far as to say the 964 is one of my favourite 911s,” he says, addressing the 964 versus 993 debate directly.

“One reason that 964 prices are up with 993s now is that it’s much harder to buy a decent 964. Porsche didn’t produce as many and a lot have been neglected. Good Carrera 2s in particular are like gold dust. Because of all this I really don’t believe that 964 prices are too strong. If anything, they will go up, long term. They really are that good!”

It seems that the 964 is a good example of the classic car market at large: not only are these inflated prices deserved, they are here to stay.

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