Towpath Talk

Social distancing on the towpath


THE Canal & River Trust has reiterated that use of local canal towpaths should be strictly limited during the lockdown restrictio­ns which remained in place as we went to press.

Walkers are urged to follow government guidance and keep their distance from others and moored boats.

A statement issued before the bank holiday weekend continued: “We appreciate the important role our canals play in urban areas – providing vital green space – however towpaths should be strictly for local use only during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

“People must follow social distancing measures at all times, taking extra care on narrow towpaths.”

While warmer weather may tempt people to go for a towpath walk, CRT reminded people of the importance of staying at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives.

“Our plea to everyone thinking of using the towpath is to be mindful of others and act always with considerat­ion and with respect. If we all continue to observe government guidance then together we can combat this pandemic, and be able to enjoy getting back out on or by our waterways when we’ve beaten it.

“Where a local journey is essential, we are asking people to try and avoid stretches with multiple moored boats, use the full width of the towpath when passing, keep moving, and stand aside to allow others to pass, in single file.”

The trust has been putting up banners, signs and posters at busy locations to remind people to limit their use of towpaths and has built an online hub of canal-related films, images, interactiv­e content and stories for everyone to enjoy safely at home to get their enjoyment of the waterways virtually.

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