Towpath Talk

A waste of charity money?

- Jeremy Bell Martock, Somerset

WITH the Canal & River Trust being a charity, could somebody please explain why a vast amount of money was spent in changing the logo from what was very acceptable, to something that does more to advertise ‘Blue Circle Cement’?

Could I also ask for the overall cost for the change which includes all the signs along the canals, all the stationery that a ‘charity’ uses, insignia on the boats and vans as well as the jumpers and protective clothing for those volunteers and employees.

We were told, when we heard about the pending change of logo, that the signs, stationery and uniforms etc., within the CRT overarchin­g company, would be changed as, and when, required. This turned out to be completely untrue.

Ripon Canal is a prime example, but by no means unique, where signs were changed without the old ones deteriorat­ing, with a speed that would do a racing whippet proud.

How can a charity justify such expenditur­e? What a waste.

And, sadly, the new logo is not one that most of the workforce are proud to wear or feel an affinity with. Surely this couldn’t be the proverbial ‘new broom’?

I have recently sold my boat and felt that it would be a good time to write this missive.

Head of CRT’s customer service support, Jon Horsfall, replies:

Thank you for your recent email and in particular sharing your thoughts about the trust’s change of logo.

The trust’s decision to rebrand was taken more than two years ago in the spring of 2018. The decision wasn’t taken lightly, and the logo was only a small part of the changes we needed. The changes were and continue to be justified on the need to positively engage with customers, local communitie­s, and others to mobilise the wider support of those who have waterways on their doorstep.

This was to yield benefits to them so we can ensure that what might otherwise be seen as a minority interest for the enthusiast­s alone becomes a mass movement with millions of supporters. Crucially, this gives us the greatest chance of securing the future funding we need, to care for the waterways as effectivel­y as we do today for years to come.

The money spent on the change in design was modest and the evidence is that the changes to the things you identify has for the very major part been undertaken in line with plans for replacemen­t of existing signs and equipment. In addition, cost-effective temporary measures have been used wherever possible (stickers for signs and replacemen­t badges for PPE and clothing) and much of the work undertaken has been carried out by our wonderful volunteers.

There will be some exceptions, for example where we have worked with others to secure additional third party funding and/or where there has been a need to move quickly to raise the profile of the new brand to a wider audience.

With respect to your comments about the trust’s workforce I can assure you that our opinion surveys show consistent­ly that our colleagues are not only proud to work for Canal & River Trust but show continued strong support for its position and role as a waterway and well-being charity.

I’m sorry to hear you have recently sold your boat and I hope my response goes some way to reassuring you.

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