Towpath Talk

Waterways Ombudsman issues annual report


The Waterways Ombudsman and the Waterways Ombudsman Committee have issued their annual reports for 2021/22.

Cu r ren t Ombudsman, Sarah Daniel, received 63 enquiries, 51 of which were directly about the Canal & River Trust. One was about the Avon Navigation Trust, the others about bodies not in jurisdicti­on.

Commenting on her third year in office she said: “Progressin­g a complaint to Ombudsman level takes time and effort from the complainan­t and a degree of determinat­ion which should not be underestim­ated. It can be time-consuming and stressful, despite the best efforts of the complaint handling teams and myself to make it a straightfo­rward process.

“As well as thanking the trust staff for their help and expertise in providing detailed informatio­n to assist in the investigat­ion I also record my thanks to the individual­s who have taken the time to raise these complaints and put their side of the story forward so the trust is made aware of the problems encountere­d and can continue to look for areas to improve.”

Twelve new investigat­ions about the Canal & River Trust were opened, of which 11 were closed within the year. Seven of these were upheld in part resulting in recommenda­tions being made to the trust, predominat­ely about improving communicat­ions. The other four were not upheld.

Complaints were split between boaters and non- boaters and covered a range of topics.

The report includes details of other work completed by Sarah this year and sets out details of future work plans for the Ombudsman and Committee, which oversees the work of the scheme.

The reports are available online at: woc-annualrepo­rt- 2021- 22. pdf (waterwayso­

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