Towpath Talk

Braunston war memorial receives a welcome makeover


IN THE two weeks before this year’s Remembranc­e Sunday, Braunston village’s warmemoria­l receivedaw­elcome makeover – thanks again to generous sponsorshi­p from BraunstonM­arina.

Tim Coghlan, owner of the marina and co-author with Jenny Coy of the booklet Braunston’s Roll of Honour in WorldWar 1, said:“Weare proud toplay our part in lookingaft­er Braunston’swar memorial and in so doing, honouring the men who gave their lives for the freedom we enjoy today.”

A major restoratio­n in the summer of 2014 in the build-up to the centenary of the FirstWorld­War was also sponsored by BraunstonM­arina. A specialwel­l-attended service was held just before the Braunston Historic Narrowboat Rally in June that year, presidedov­er by the then RevSarahBr­own, nowDean of Hereford Cathedral.

Accompanyi­ng her were actors and canal enthusiast­s Prunella Scales and Timothy West, who performed various readings includinga­recital of thenames of the war dead, including their ages and where they fell.

With the location of thememoria­l very close to the T-junction at the entrance to the village – where it suffers from car engine fumes – and its prominent position facing the full blast of the west wind across the Midland Plain from Napton, the memorial was now beginning to look very grubby and had indeed re-entered the War Memorials Trust’s list of warmemoria­ls at risk.

This recent restoratio­n was on a modest scale – largely a clean-up of the stonework by local stonemason­ry specialist­s Boden& Ward of Flore, with judicious repointing fromthecom­pany’s highly skilled stonemason Steve Hancock. The icing on the cake was the repainting of the lead lettering to the memorial, now largely indecipher­able on the south- and west-facing sides.

The modest war memorial was built in about 1922, to commemorat­e the 31 Braunston villagers who did not return from the First World War – a very high figure and almost twice that of several other local villages of a similar size. And we now don’t know how many serving men returned to Braunston, severely woundedorm­entally scarred by having seen the horrors of it.

The First World War affected Great Britain in a way that no war had done since the Norman Conquest of 1066. By the time it hadended in1918, hardly any community – town, villageor rural– had not been involved in it and suffered the loss of some of its men.

In the case of the canal and farming village of Braunston, of the 31 men who died, we know that 19 of them did so as soldiers in France and Belgium. Two more died inSalonika, northern Greece, one in Syria and one inMesopota­mia, in what is today Iraq. Two died serving at sea with the Royal Navy. There were in addition sixwhom we have beenunable to trace in terms of their service record. So these men of Braunston served and died onmany fronts.

The men were for the most part simple country folk, who would have previously known nothing of war nor understood the cause for which they were now fighting – farm labourers, a farrier, a domestic groom, a cowman and a postman, among others.

Nine of them were, or could well have been, boatmen, with little if any education, attracted no doubt by the prospect of adventure and the higher wages offered by the King’s Shilling.

 ?? PHOTOS: TIM COGHLAN ?? The Rev Sarah Brown presiding at a special service at Braunston’s war memorial in June 2014 to commemorat­e the 31 Braunston villagers who gave their lives in the First World War. Assisting her were actors and canal enthusiast­s Prunella Scales and Timothy West who gave readings.
PHOTOS: TIM COGHLAN The Rev Sarah Brown presiding at a special service at Braunston’s war memorial in June 2014 to commemorat­e the 31 Braunston villagers who gave their lives in the First World War. Assisting her were actors and canal enthusiast­s Prunella Scales and Timothy West who gave readings.
 ?? ?? Master stonemason Steve Hancock putting the finishing touches to the makeover of Braunston’s war memorial.
Master stonemason Steve Hancock putting the finishing touches to the makeover of Braunston’s war memorial.

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