Trail (UK)

Uath lochans


1 NH835053 Cross the road to pass alongside Loch Insh below Insh Church, then rejoin B970 for 200m. At Invereshie, turn left on a farm track. Just beyond the buildings, take a green track right, through two gates.

2 NH841051 The track ends at woodlands. Take the path ahead through the wood, then turn down sharp left between two boulders to the riverside. The path leads upstream beside the big river. At a car park turn left, onto a path still near the river to Feshie Bridge.

3 NH851042 A signposted track leads on upstream, still to the right of the river. After 1km it passes through a gate. Just through this, fork down left on a fainter track. It joins the riverbank. Head upstream alongside an open meadow. Through a small gate marked 'chickens' the path bends right and passes to the right of the white house at Ballintean. Bend left, to join a stony track rising gently south under trees. It reaches a minor road.

4 NH843014 Turn back right for 300m, then turn left on a gravel forest road. It bends right, and approaches the largest of the Uath Lochans. Just as you glimpse this ahead, turn off right on a path with white-top post.

5 NH836016 The path crosses the east end of the lochan, then bends left over duckboards. The well-built path crosses a marsh towards the rocky Farleitter Hill (Creag Far-leitire) ahead. Entering trees, it reaches a junction. Turn right for 200m, to meet a stony track with red waymark posts both ways. (To the right here, past another of the Uath lochans, is a car park with path map and picnic tables.)

6 NH833020 Turn left, on the small track which zigzags back to the right up the end of Farleitter Hill. As the slope eases, turn right on a path, which emerges along the top of the crag above the lochans. It follows the crag top to the hill summit, with a bench and poised erratic boulder. The path leads on to a junction with the track you left earlier. Keep ahead along this track. Soon it bends sharp right, then runs level, north-west, to pass the waymark that indicates the Badenoch Way joining from your left.

7 NH828024 The Badenoch Way's markers will now lead back past Loch Insh. Follow the track ahead, now downhill, to the slope foot. Here the main track bends right (north-east). Where it bends right again, fork off left on a stony path under high-voltage power lines. This runs down to join another track. Follow it ahead, down to the B970.

8 NH827032

Turn right on an overgrown path to the right of the road for 400m, then cross diagonally into woods above Loch Insh. Follow waymarks under the birches, then turn left on a wider path down to the loch. Follow the lochside path to the right for 500m. Where a white arrow points ahead take the green-arrow Badenoch Way forking right, up steps, to rejoin the B970 again.

9 NH837041 Turn left for 100m, then bear left on an enclosed path. Pass through Insh watersport­s centre (bar and restaurant) to rejoin the road beyond. Follow paths to the left then right of the road, then cross into the track to Insh churchyard (used on the outward route). This time, head up to the church, and take a stepped path to its left down to the car park.

 ??  ?? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 An icy Loch Insh. 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 An icy Loch Insh. 9

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