Trail (UK)

The Mountain Inquisitio­n

Outdoor film-maker Jen Randall talks bananas, Ben Nevis and the best pub meals.


Outdoor film-maker Jen Randall reveals all

Scafell Pike, Snowdon or Ben Nevis? Ben Nevis – it was my first Munro, when I was 11. My dad let me choose, and I went for the biggest one. I’ve had a similar approach to things ever since. The highest mountain you’ve climbed? I’m not a mountainee­r, but El Capitan felt big. It took my climbing partner Jackie and me a week. We’re still glowing, even though we topped out 4 years ago. Who’s your mountainee­ring hero? My dad has many proud summit retreats to his name. What do you love most about the mountains? Feeling like you’re in another world that not many people know about; being someone tougher, braver, more skilled than you thought you were, and enjoying that feeling in the bath afterwards. Most memorable day in the outdoors? Earlier this year I walked the West Highland Way with my sister. The day we crossed Rannoch Moor storms swept through every twenty minutes or so, and we marched through it all sharing a pair of headphones, listening to happy music. I’ll treasure that one. You’re in a pub. What’s on the menu? It’s hard to say no to bangers and mash and a glass of red wine. And sticky toffee pudding. Who would play you in a movie? Danny DeVito. What was the last book you read?

The Living Mountain and To Kill A Mockingbir­d. I’m trying to get through the classics. Next in line is Sarah Outen’s

Dare to Do, about her journey around the world by bike and tiny boat. Favourite hill snack? Snacks are precious to me and variety is key. I always take nuts and berries, but in the end the best thing is Dairy Milk. Worst thing you’ve ever eaten? I was challenged to eat a banana with tights on my head. I like bananas, but it was horrific. Favourite animal? My all-terrain dog – he cracks me up. Weirdest place you’ve slept? A petrol station in the Czech Republic while filming Europe’s Best Crags was pretty weird. Or on El Cap – we didn’t have a portaledge, and some ledges were no more than hip width. Best walking boots you’ve owned? I just moved from the old leather ones I’ve had since I was 13 to lightweigh­t Salomon boots – so, so comfy. Wild camp or posh hotel? You’ve got to experience both to fully appreciate the other! What’s your next big challenge? Turning Andy Kirkpatric­k’s Psychovert­ical book into a film. We’re in the thick of it now. Your ultimate mountain day in 3 words? Low gravity day.

Jen Randall is currently working on a film of Psychovert­ical, Andy Kirkpatric­k’s celebrated autobiogra­phy. She is a multi-award-winning outdoor film-maker and founder of Light Shed Pictures: www.lightshedp­

What’s your favourite animal? My all-terrain dog – he cracks me up.

 ??  ?? A collage by Jen, dedicated to Dumbarton Rock in Scotland.
A collage by Jen, dedicated to Dumbarton Rock in Scotland.

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