Trail (UK)



You told us your spooky tales – which turned out to be not so scary after all!

Rob Collins: My wife and I were heading up Ben Lomond in about 100m visibility. Suddenly out of this mist, running towards us at full pelt, was a 1745 Jacobite warrior – with kilt, shield, broadsword, blue bonnet, the works. My first reaction was “This can’t be true, there are no such things as ghosts.” That night in the pub we found out he was running for a local children’s charity. Never met a ghost (and still don’t believe in them), but that was pretty close!

Rob Messenger: While wild camping in a storm on the Old Man of Coniston, I apparently started screaming out loud “The dogs are coming! Run! The f**king dogs are coming!” My wife said she woke up in a state of panic and then realised that I was still asleep. She has never been that scared before or since.

Lee James: We were at Hay Bluff in the Black Mountains, which happens to be in the opening scenes from An American Werewolf

in London. I was trying to warm my spag bol, but all I could think about was the film, when I heard lots of movement. As I shined my headtorch it caught several eyes looking at me, way too tall for sheep. I threw my food away, stuffed my gear in my backpack and legged it… only to later find out that they were wild ponies.

Tony Lowe: Steve Haworth looked like a ghost when we took him up Crib Goch!

Steven Parker: Wild camping at Sprinkling Tarn in the Lake District, middle of the night, moon really bright, I turned over and saw the wife without makeup. Still get shivers thinking about it. (Ed: Steven, you are in so much trouble!)

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