Trail (UK)

Top six Trail picks


Blencathra and Sharp Edge

Sharp Edge is one of the most thrilling ridge-walks in the Lake District, but it isn’t the only one you’ll be climbing. The route actually starts with an ascent of Hall’s Fell Ridge, plonking you directly on the summit, before nipping down to Scales Tarn and then ascending again via the slightly more frightenin­g Sharp Edge. A descent of Doddick Fell adds another spur to this thorough exploratio­n of one of the Lakes' most popular hills.

Borrowdale 10

How’s your stamina? You’d better answer “good to excellent” before signing up for this monster. You’ll climb eight Wainwright­s over a 20km route, including England’s highest, Scafell Pike. But there are many more highlights than that: some might say the view from mighty Great Gable, others the prospect from miniature Lingmell. Whatever you think, this highlevel exploratio­n of the fells surroundin­g Seathwaite is bound to be spectacula­r. Just bring extra jelly babies.

Great Gable at sunset

Mountains at sunset never, ever, ever get less magical. Sunset from a high place never gets old, never looks the same twice; it even makes you and anyone with you look like a glorious, free wildling, all lit up by the golden glow. From the high platform of Great Gable, you’ll see the last rays of the westerning sun on the tops of the Scafell range and scattered over the Buttermere fells.

Helvellyn and Fairfield

Not only do you bag two Lakeland giants on this walk, you also start with one of its most delightful ridges. Starting with a climb up Helvellyn via Striding Edge, you then turn east on a high and rolling skywalk through the Eastern Fells. The views from here are wonderful and the walking is easy. Having climbed again to Fairfield you’ll drop to St Sunday Crag, which might just turn out to be the unexpected highlight.

Scafell Pike from Seathwaite

If you haven’t yet climbed Scafell Pike, there can be few better ways to do it than in the height of summer, with a merry crew of fellow hill-lovers and the buzz of the festival awaiting in the pub when you get down. You’ll take the Corridor Route up, with the option to nip over to Lingmell or Great End too (why not?). England’s highest: done.

Haystacks and Fleetwith Pike

Of all the fells in the Lake District, it was Haystacks on which guidebook Yoda Alfred Wainwright chose to have his ashes scattered. This small hill loses no sense of character for its relatively low stature, its rocky summit sprinkled with tarns. After exploring its high top, you have the option to head over to Fleetwith Pike. This is recommende­d, for the view down over Buttermere is astounding.

 ??  ?? Scuttling over Sharp Edge.
Scuttling over Sharp Edge.

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