Trail (UK)

Southern Uplands


1 NT238203 From the car park at the northern end of Loch of the Lowes turn right and cross the road bridge towards the Tibbie Shiels Inn. Shortly after the bridge turn left off the road onto a track – this is the Southern Upland Way (SUW). Follow the track along the east bank of St Mary’s Loch with a forest on your right. At the end of the loch stay on the SUW and cross a small bridge and then the A708.

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Continue following the SUW heading generally north passing the ruined Dryhope Tower and continuing on the track to reach Douglas Burn. Cross this and turn left onto a larger track at Blackhouse, below the ruin of the Blackhouse Tower. At the sharp right turn in the track, leave the SUW and continue northwest on a forestry track which follows the Douglas Burn. Continue on this track until you can take a right turn onto a track heading north into the woods.

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Follow this forestry track almost due north, fork left after about 1km and continue to the northern edge of the forest. Turn left here and follow the edge of the forest over Peat Hill to join a path heading right, away from the forest. NT264303 Follow 4 this path generally north, contouring above Glenshiel Banks and climbing to the ridge above Stake Law. Follow the path uphill to the main ridge, turn left and follow the fence line south-west to the summit of Stake Law. Continue following the fence line to the trig point on the summit of Dun Rig. NT253315 From 5 Dun Rig follow the ridge in a south-westerly direction over several summits to reach Black Cleuch Hill. Head south from here along the ridge over Blackhouse Heights, Black Law, Conscleuch head and Deer Law. Finally follow the ridge to the south-west to the summit of Broomy Law and then drop down south to the road.

NT226233 Turn 6 left and follow the road east to the junction with the A708 at Cappercleu­ch. Turn right here and follow the road, a track to the west of the road or the St Mary’s Loch lakeside path across Megget Water and south to the foot of the loch and the start of the route.

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 ??  ?? Descending Dun Rig into Glensax.
Descending Dun Rig into Glensax.

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