Trail (UK)

“I’m often on the Peak District tops, promoting the life-saving benefits of green time”


I’ve always had a taste for all things ‘adventure’, so on the outside people see me as a fun, sociable and active guy with an obsession for the outdoors. But after years of personal struggles and divorce, my mental and physical condition started to deteriorat­e. I was admitted to hospital several times with exhaustion and stress. After coming home from a normal day’s work, I had reached my limit. With my judgement clouded by negativity and exhaustion, I attempted to end my life.

Thankfully I survived to tell the tale and my recovery has been astounding. So astounding in fact that, aided by my love for trail running and pretty much anything involving mud, hills, rivers, and vast countrysid­e, I am often found running round the tops of the Peak District carrying a car tyre, promoting the life-saving benefits of running and general ‘green time’. I’ve taken to using a heavy car tyre as a visual representa­tion of the extra weight we can all carry, which unlike the tyre, is not usually visible.

By doing this I am getting people engaged in conversati­ons about mental health. Through using my own experience­s, I hope to encourage others to become less worried about the typically taboo subject, as well as helping people to feel that it’s ok to share their struggles and get the help they need.

I often go by the name of ‘GetOutGetM­uddy’, reflecting the simple mantra I try to live by. As I always say: “Clothes wash, grazed knees heal, but memories last”. My second chance at life has not only made me stand up and live my life to the full, through my passion for running in the great outdoors, but also has made me more dedicated to helping folks realise there is hope and a future. I always try to share how outdoor fitness has helped me and can help others.

In October 2018, I completed four solo ultra-marathons in just four days – running from Southport to Hornsea (around 140 miles) raising money for the mental health awareness charity Mind. I have run and planned to complete many endurance events, which help me with my ongoing recovery.

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