Trail (UK)

Land’s End and Porthcurno



SW359263 Head down a steep grassy slope then left onto a path above dunes to the main street. At the far end of the harbour car park, bend left up a lane. Follow coast path signs up steps, then a pitched path leads past a former coastguard station and along the clifftop path to the Land’s End tourist complex.


SW344253 Pass right of and below the buildings, taking a rough path below the hotel past a trig point. Fork right on a cordfenced path, down across a bridge then up to the headland of Carn Greeb. Stay near a wooden fence, then follow the SWCP around Pordennack Point, then down through bracken to Zawn Reeth. Fork right on a footpath to contour closer to the sea at Carn Cravah, rejoining the SWCP near Nanjizal.


SW358236 Descend steps, and over a bridge at Nanjizal. Fork left then right to steeply ascend onto Higher Bosistow. Pass below some blocky rocks and over a few stepping stones at Carn Trevean, then a multitude of paths braid across Carn Glaze and the dip to Gwennap Head before rising to the Coastguard Station.


SW365216 Drop past an unusual pair of landmarks, then down to Porthgwarr­a. Pass the café then fork right on an access track. Look right to see a tunnel in the rock – built to move seaweed from the harbour. Bend uphill, the path becomes narrower and sometimes rocky; fork right on a path just after a larger boulder. Towards the top of the cliff top, head right, rising over another small headland, then down steps to St Levan’s Well.


SW380219 Pass an unusual wooden bridge, then continue at plateau level. Cross over a path by Wireless Point.

Cross the famous open-air

Minack Theatre’s entrance area, then take an impressive­ly vertiginou­s set of steps down the cliffside. Contour above the beach then up towards a phone cable marker, bending left before the marker.


SW387224 Turn right at a T-junction with a bridleway, and stay on this path past two overgrown pillboxes. Then fork right onto a narrow path to descend past a bright white pyramid.



At a five-way path junction, follow a bridleway to Treen. Turn left by the café, then cross straight over a T-junction

onto an easily missed footpath – directly ahead by the road sign. Descend through woodland, then turn left onto a stony track near a gate. Fork right onto a narrower path heading up through the Penberth valley through woodland and fields. Cross straight over a road junction, taking a lane running just left of the stream and past a banana tree!


SW382243 Take an unsigned bridleway (access track) up through Trengothal Farm. Turn left onto a road by a transmitte­r station, then take a footpath right into fields. Cross a stile through the hedge, stay near the hedge, then through a gate into a large grassy field. Ignore cattle track here – instead head diagonally across the field towards (not through) a gate under powerlines, then remain by the fence.


SW364254 Cross a vehicle track in an area of excavation waste then back into arable fields. Cross a very short corner leftwards, then follow the fence right. At a junction of paths, turn right onto a grassy track. Emerge onto a road at a bend, then take a footpath left. This becomes a tarmac track by a school; cross the road into access land. Follow the path bending gently left and across an access track back to the car park.

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Enys Dodnan Arch.
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