Trail (UK)




SW421364 Take the path just right of the engine house, fork right over a stile by a gate, then stay right of a shallow valley down to cross a small arch just above some ruins. Follow a coast path sign, climbing briefly then contouring through bracken to a coast path marker by a walled off mine shaft. Fork left at this towards Watch Croft, go up through a yellowhand­led gate and up to a road. Follow this right for about 30m.


SW415361 Cross over and take the bridleway to Watch Croft, which zigzags up the hillside and past a ruin. Fork left immediatel­y after it joins a driveway track by a house – the rough narrow path through bracken and gorse (trousers needed!) winds its way up to a trig point among boulders and a stone shelter cairn.


SW420357 Head towards a NT sign by a large boulder roughly 20m north-east of the trig point. Fork right onto a broader grassy path.

Descend, forking left part-way, to a junction of tracks by an access point to White Downs Homestead. Enter the homestead fields, taking tracks across, uphill then over a short bit of rough ground to the ruins of an ancient longhouse. A faint path along rough ground below the longhouse enclosure then leads back downhill through a gap in the wall with a rounded gatepost. Head along a grassy track in the direction of Ding Dong mine (chimney visible on the horizon to your right), then exit scrubland into grassier pasture and follow a widening track left towards a small ruin.


SW428354 Exit the homestead, heading left, then immediatel­y right on a broad grassy track round a boggy bend. Merge with another wide track and follow this below a field containing the Scryfa stone. Turn left onto a footpath crossing a small slab bridge and steps then passing the Men-an-Tol standing stones. Cross a track then a drainage ditch; beyond this, the path narrows, twisting and turning through a copse of short trees, then onto easier ground and up to the chimney of the former Ding Dong Mine.


SW434344 From the chimney, pass a tall stone gatepost on a wide track heading vaguely north-east. Turn left at a junction with a much wider vehicle track, now aiming roughly for Carn Galver’s lumpy granite outcrops and almost up to a metal gate. Just before the gate, fork left onto a narrower path. This leads past the

Nine Ladies stone circle then on to a junction of tracks about 250m east of the Scryfa stone.


SW429354 Fork right, then through a gate on the track. Roughly 400m after the gate, near to a small gate marking one of several access points to White Downs Homestead, fork right on a grassy path, skirting around the end of a low hedgerow of heather and gorse. This widens south-east of Carn Galver. (If you miss this, just head down the track to the road.)


SW427360 Just before the ridgeline, the path bears left and below the ridge. (There’s plenty of scrambling on the ridgeline, but it’s not continuous and you’ll keep having to return the same way back to the main path). This skirting path leads up onto an easier grassy saddle, then along to the summit of Carn Galver. Scramble over this and down the far side – or an avoiding path heads to the right. The path descends back to the road by the ruins of Carn Galver engine house.

 ??  ?? The curiously named Ding Dong Mine.
The curiously named Ding Dong Mine.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Ladies standing stones.
Ladies standing stones.
 ??  ??

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