Trail (UK)



The 1:25,000 scale is used for OS Exp●orer a■d Harvey Superwa●ker maps, but each has differing levels of detail. OS Explorer maps are unbeatable for micronavig­ation and walking in lowland or moorland areas, where every tiny detail is useful. On Harvey maps, the detail is more specific for mountainou­s areas – great for complex terrain in Scotland (especially Skye’s Cuillin), where the level of detail on an Explorer can swamp crucial informatio­n.

Each CONTOUR on OS represents 5m in low level areas and/or 10m on higher ground. On Harvey it is 15m, with 75m index contours. A GRID SQUARE is 2.5x2.5cm on the map = 1km2 on the ground. 1mm on the map = 25m on the ground. RIGHTS OF WAY On OS is shown as green dotted or dashed lines, on Harvey a line of red circles or dots. OTHER PATHS On OS black dashes indicate a path on the ground. On Harvey, intermitte­nt paths are shown with intermitte­nt dashes. OPEN ACCESS Peachy-orange boundary and light shading on OS, but not shown on Harvey maps. ROCK DETAIL On OS, good for things like scree, boulder fields and cliff faces. On Harvey, rock is very detailed. Grey contours indicate predominan­tly rocky ground, with climbing crags numbered.

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