Trail (UK)

Beinn Narnain, Ime & The Cobbler


NN295049 Exit 1 Glenloin No. 2 car park, turn left on A83 briefly, cross road and turn right down forestry track marked ‘Argyll Forest Park’. After 75m, turn right off main track and climb old ascent route to Beinn Narnain. Cross forestry track and continue north-west on the path, which is steep, wet and rough. Emerge from forest and continue over a short, flatter section. Here the rough path ends and a stone-pitched path, like a stair-way, climbs ahead. Continue north-west as path winds uphill, picking its way around rocky knolls. The going is steep, but the path is very clear underfoot. At 650m contour line, gain the ridge and enjoy superb views of The Cobbler to the left. Bypass to the left of a hump and continue north-west over relatively easy terrain to Cruach nam Miseag.

NN276063 Descend 2 briefly to bealach. The way ahead looks rather impregnabl­e, but a narrow path climbs steadily north-west, dodging boulders and craggy ground. There are a few scrambling manoeuvres and rocky steps to negotiate, but there is minimal exposure and technicali­ty. Reach the base of The Spearhead, the sheer crag below the summit, and follow the path as it veers to the right of the crag. Emerge at the summit plateau and continue briefly north-west to Beinn Narnain’s trig.

NN271066 Head 3 west-north-west for 200m to a cairn marking the start of Narnain’s western ridge. Take the path down to the high pass of Bealach a’ Mhaim, ignoring various turnoffs that aim directly for The Cobbler. Turn right on a wide path, go through gate and climb north and north-west on a well-trodden, easy path for almost 2km to Beinn Ime’s


NN254084 4 Retrace your steps south-east and south to Bealach a’ Mhaim and continue to the base of The Cobbler. Ascend the stepped path ahead before skirting to the right of craggier ground. Arrive at a mini col. Turn left and head north-east aiming for the north peak. The summit is an overhangin­g rock, but getting to the top is not difficult. A trod loops to the northern side before swinging back south over easy ground to the top. Retrace your steps to the mini col. The summit of Ben Arthur (The Cobbler’s real name) lies a short, rocky trek to the south-west. Many will be satisfied to simply stand close to the top, but competent scramblers will wish to stand triumphant­ly atop the

exposed tower of rock that marks the true summit. Climbing it requires a scramble through a narrow gap, along a ledge and then up some boulders. It’s not for the faint-hearted.

NN259058 Follow a 5 narrow path to the right of the pinnacle, descending south-east. Pass to the west of a huge, intimidati­ng crag – Ben Arthur’s south peak. Continue descending south-east on the path, which is relatively clear underfoot. Pass to the right of a hump with a spot height of 706m and continue to An t-Sron. Take the wide ridge south-east to its nose, before turning off left on a grassy path descending east-north-east over boggy ground. Arrive at a small dam on the Allt a’ Bhalachain and cross the burn at stepping stones. Take caution after rainfall or if the stream is in spate. Pick up the main Cobbler path, turn right and descend south-east. Enter the forest and take the forestry path that zigzags its way downhill towards the loch. Cross a wider forestry road, fork right next to a bench and descend gently back to the A83. Turn left momentaril­y and then right back to the car park.

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