Trail (UK)



Panic attacks can be prompted by stress or fear, like being on an exposed scramble, or can feel like they came out of the blue. The sufferer can often feel like they’re struggling to breathe, dizzy, with a racing heart and like they’re going to pass out or die. It usually lasts 5-20 minutes. To help someone through it, try to stay calm yourself and sit with them until it’s over, reminding them that this is only temporary and it will pass. You could also...

■ Encourage them to focus on their breathing. Count from one to five slowly and ask them to breathe along with you.

■ Encourage them to focus on their senses: the cold rock, taste of chocolate, rain on their face…

■ After it passes, give them time to rest and ask what they need: company, something to eat or drink, to talk about it etc.

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