Trail (UK)

Caw Fell to Great Gable



4 SD230944 Descend north-east on an intermitte­nt trod, veer right slightly over Pikes, before descending gently north-east to boggy ground at Yaud Mire. Avoiding a steep direct ascent, veer east and at

SD248951, turn left and strike north up a wide, grassy gully. Beyond steeper ground, veer right over grassy slopes to right angle in wall. Follow it north-east to White Maiden. Head northnorth-east over gentle ridgeline to Walna Scar before descending easily to Walna Scar Road.

5 SD258964 Take zig-zagging path north-east to Brown Pike. Head north, veering slightly right to Buck Pike, before continuing north on increasing­ly rocky and rough ground with some simple scrambling over blocky slabs to Dow Crag. Descend north and east to Goat’s Hawse, before forking right and ascending the curving path south-east to The Old Man of Coniston.

6 SD272978 Briefly descend north to shallow col before ascending Brim Fell (which, confusingl­y, isn’t listed in the official 21 peaks). Descend Brim Fell’s shapely but wide northern ridge guided by large cairns. Arrive at Levers Hawse and climb north up Swirl Band ridge. Pass beyond Great How Crags and continue north to Swirl How. Descend west on path that curves right around Broad Slack to Great Carrs. Descend north via Hell Gill Pike before veering slightly right down

Wet Side

Edge. At NY274021, just before a rise in nose of north-eastern ridge, turn left and take winding path north-west and then north-east down to Wrynose Pass road.

7 NY276026 Cross road and pick up path ascending northwest towards Red Tarn. Shortly before reaching tarn, turn sharp left on grassy trod heading south-west past two smaller tarns towards Cold Pike. Upon gaining ridge, the trod veers north-west and guides you to Cold Pike’s summit. Descend north-northwest and join main path for Great Knott. Pass to left of Great Knott and continue west-north-west to base of Crinkle Crags. Climb steeply north-west on winding path over craggy terrain, guided by cairns. Reach the summit of the first ‘Crinkle’. Descend over rugged ground to a col. To avoid tricky scramble up the ‘bad step’ (a rocky gully with a distinctiv­e chockstone), veer left on bypass path looping north-west and then south-east to Crinkle Crags’ summit. Descend north-east to flatter terrain and veer left slightly. Head north over rugged, undulating terrain, negotiatin­g a series of rocky rises and depression­s with a few sections of easy scrambling. Pass to left of final rocky hump and arrive at Three Tarns col. Pick up the main walkers’ path up Bow Fell, heading north-west before looping south-west over jumbled boulders to summit.

8 NY244064 Descend north to small col and veer left briefly following a line of cairns. The path veers right passing to right of prominent rib of rock, before picking up traversing path over very rocky ground. This path takes you north, then north-west down to Esk Hause. Ascend wide, stony path west into Calf Cove. Pass to left of crossshape­d bield (shelter) and arrive at col. Turn right and ascend north to Great End.

9 NY226083 To avoid a very tricky descent north, re-trace steps to Esk Hause and veer north and north-west past Sprinkling Tarn to reach Mountain Rescue box above Styhead Tarn. Head north-west on a seemingly never-ending ascent up a stone pitched path, which weaves safely through crags and over rocky ground, to eventually emerge at Great Gable’s summit.

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