TV Times

Tyrone kisses Gemma

He makes a move on the kebab seller when Fiz walks out


What’s happening to the good, honest men of Weatherfie­ld? First

Gary cheated on Sarah and got Nicola up the duff, and now it looks like Tyrone’s going to do the dirty on Fiz with Gemma. Next, Norris will be nipping off for some afternoon delight while Mary’s putting a shift in at Preston’s Petals.

Things aren’t right between Fiz and Ty following her return from Wolverhamp­ton. For starters, he’s grown closer to Gemma, and can’t help feeling jealous when he sees her larking about with Chesney.

He’s also lying to Fiz that daughter Ruby’s bad behaviour is no more. He explains to Gemma that Fiz thinks Ruby is a wrong ’un, like her mother, and he doesn’t want to give her more ammunition.

‘Gemma doesn’t believe that just because Ruby’s mum had problems that Ruby’s going to have problems too, so she reassures him,’ reveals actress Dolly-rose Campbell.

But Fiz soon finds out about her partner’s dishonesty. Later, Ty’s chatting to Gemma when Ruby and Hope slip into Underworld, lock themselves in and turn on an electric saw. As Gemma and Ty break the door down to reach them, Ty confesses to Fiz that Ruby isn’t a reformed character after all.

A furious Fiz packs her bags and announces that she and Hope are moving in with Ches. Gemma’s full of sympathy for Ty, and as he opens up to her over a beer about how Kirsty used to beat him, she tells him about her own disastrous relationsh­ips. Caught up in the moment, Ty then leans in for a smooch. ‘It’s totally out of the blue,’ adds Dolly-rose.

How will Gemma respond?

 ??  ?? Hitting the skids: Tyrone and Fiz aren’t getting on Making a move: Tyrone kisses
pal Gemma
Hitting the skids: Tyrone and Fiz aren’t getting on Making a move: Tyrone kisses pal Gemma

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