TV Times

Killer Phelan buried alive?

The twisted builder gets trapped in unset concrete as he desperatel­y tries to hide Vinny and Andy’s bodies…


Phelan is losing control, but his answer to that is to take


Is this the week that evil builder Pat Phelan finally gets his comeuppanc­e? It certainly looks that way when he falls into some unset concrete as he’s trying to hide Vinny and Andy’s bodies.

The scheming Scouser is trying to cover his tracks at the time. Earlier, he arrives at the mill site to find that work is well underway on draining the lake – where Andy and Vinny are currently making friends with the fishes after he dumped their bodies there. As the day draws to a close, he’s horrified to see one of the bodies emerging from the water.

Fearing his dark secret will be exposed, Phelan hangs around as his oblivious colleagues head home. He then puts on some waders and drags both bodies out. Let’s hope we don’t get any close-ups – they’ve been in there for four months.

‘Phelan is losing control, but his answer to that is to take control,’ says Connor Mcintyre, who plays the murdering psychopath. ‘He thinks very clearly about his actions – “Okay, I do X, I do Y, I do Z.” Does he think it’s game over? Never in a million years!’

With a concrete mixer and a half-built developmen­t at his disposal, he quickly comes up with an idea. He drops the bodies of Andy and Vinny into the column mould in the mill foundation­s, then turns on the concrete. Only things don’t quite go to plan...

Back on the cobbles, Liz has thrown a ‘Getting to know Pat’ party, in an attempt to build bridges with her best mate’s fella. Sounds like a hoot. What’s on the playlist – Dead or Alive? When the main man is a no-show, Eileen calls him up. But Phelan has left his phone on some scaffoldin­g, and, as it buzzes, the vibration causes it to fall off into the foundation­s. As Phelan tries to retrieve it, he, too, tumbles into the unset concrete.

The twisted killer desperatel­y tries to pull himself out, but when the scaffoldin­g falls on him, he becomes trapped and loses consciousn­ess.

Over at the party, Eileen frets about her AWOL husband, prompting Tim to offer to drive her over to the mill to see if he’s still there. But will the pair reach Pat in time, or will he be buried alive?

 ??  ?? Turn for the latest on Emmerdale, Hollyoaksa­nd Doctors
Turn for the latest on Emmerdale, Hollyoaksa­nd Doctors
 ??  ?? Concrete evidence: Phelan hides the bodies
Concrete evidence: Phelan hides the bodies
 ??  ?? Cause for concern: Phelan’s no-show at Liz’s party worries Eileen
Cause for concern: Phelan’s no-show at Liz’s party worries Eileen

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