TV Times

Your stars

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ARIES (21 March-19 April)

This week has you stamped all over it! You’re in the cosmic spotlight with both Mercury and Venus for a few weeks. You’ll be on top form, with love, fun and money moving to the top of your agenda.

Call... 09058 170 399*

Lotto No 45

Taurus (20 April-20 May)

It will be tempting to take control of others’ lives this week. Knowing you could make a big difference could be frustratin­g but wait to be asked. You’re not bossy – you just know what’s best for other people!

Call... 09058 170 400*

Lotto No 29

gemini (21 May-20 June)

Mercury meets the relationsh­ip planet, Venus, on Sunday, smoothing out any disagreeme­nts or tension between you and loved ones. New people that come into your life will prove to be lucky in some way.

Call... 09058 170 401*

Lotto No 2

cancer (21 June-22 July)

Work is about to get exciting – a promotion or a chance to shine could mean you’ll be able to shift your career up a few notches. In fact, your job is in serious danger of interferin­g with your social life!

Call... 09058 170 402*

Lotto No 36

LEO (23 July-22 August)

The Sun joins Neptune on Sunday, reminding you to focus on your own happiness. Don’t listen to your heart – it changes its mind too often! But trust your gut – it knows when something is right or wrong.

Call... 09058 170 403*

Lotto No 17

Virgo (23 August-22 September)

It’s time for a clear out. When you can’t remember what’s in the boxes in the loft or have clothes that you wore as a teenager, you’re probably just one bin bag away from being on Hoarder SOS. Make space!

Call... 09058 170 404*

Lotto No 28

Libra (23 September-23 October)

If the last machine you used at the gym was the vending machine, it might be time to ramp up your energy levels. Get some oxygen into your cells, eat real food and hug a few trees. Soon you’ll feel superhuman!

Call... 09058 170 405*

Lotto No 49

SCORPIO (24 October-22 November)

You may feel a bit on the geeky side this week or a little out of step with people you want to impress. But you’re judging yourself too harshly and perhaps some of your friends are, too. Just be yourself.

Call... 09058 170 406*

Lotto No 24

SAGITTARIU­S (23 November-21 December)

Jupiter, your mystical master, turns retrograde this Friday until July. This means you’ll be revisiting the past in some way. Perhaps an old idea will get a new lease of life, or someone will come back on the scene.

Call... 09058 170 407*

Lotto No 3

capricorn (22 December-20 January)

You may be on the receiving end of some odd conversati­ons in the coming days. Friends may drop a bombshell or come out with some priceless remarks. Be graceful – they’re entitled to their incorrect opinion!

Call... 09058 170 408*

Lotto No 20

Aquarius (21 January-18 February)

Your emotions are more acute than usual this week and you need a close connection in your relationsh­ips. You can bare your soul knowing your secrets are safe – with your friend, their best friend… and their cat!

Call... 09058 170 409*

Lotto No 18

PISCES (19 February-20 March)

Forget faddy food trends and expensive gyms, it’s your purse that will decide on your eating plan this week. It’s known as the ‘see how long I can last on twenty quid diet’ – and you’ll do it beautifull­y.

Call... 09058 170 410*

Lotto No 35

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