TV Times

Scarlett Moffatt on her rise to fame

Scarlett Moffatt on how co-hosting Takeaway has changed her life…

- Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway SATURDAY / ITV / 7.00Pm Victoria Wilson

It does give me confidence to know that Ant and Dec believe in me

Now into her second series as co-host of Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway, Scarlett Moffatt seems to have well and truly hit her stride.

‘I’ve learned a lot in a year and feel more confident now in my abilities,’ says Scarlett, 27, who shot to fame on C4’s Gogglebox. ‘I know where my strengths are.’

Last week saw Scarlett chugging around London in her very own Takeaway Express train trying to find members of the public to fill the ‘Best Seats in the House’.

‘It does give me confidence to know that Ant and Dec believe in me to do the live show and ad-lib,’ she says.

Ahead of the show’s milestone 100th episode this Saturday, Scarlett tells TV Times about onscreen mishaps, good luck charms and working with her heroes…

How much do you enjoy live TV?

I love it! It’s the adrenaline of not knowing what’s going to happen. As long as you openly admit anything could go wrong, it’s fine. If someone fluffs a line or the autocue goes off, it just shows even TV presenters are human.

Do you get nervous?

Yes, but only good nerves. I get them about everything because it shows you want to do a good job.

Any pre-show rituals?

I don’t have a ritual, but I have a little Noddy toy that I take to every show that I do. I’ve had him since my third birthday and I’d be lost without him.

What’s been your favourite moments on the show so far?

My highlight has got to be when we filmed last year’s finale in Disney World, Florida, and I got to be Mary Poppins for the day. Also, getting to be up on stage with Ant and Dec and Cat Deeley, the three heroes I watched every Saturday morning on SMTV Live. As a kid, you never dream that the people you watch you’ll actually be joining on TV one day.

Do you get to go back to the north east much?

I’ve just bought my first house in Durham and

I feel very adult. I try and get home as much as possible. Other than that, I’m living out of suitcases – I never know which Travelodge

I’ll be staying in next!

Are you able to spoil your mum, Betty, and dad, Mark, these days?

I was very lucky to have been able to pay mum and dad’s mortgage off. I think anyone would do that in my situation and knowing that my family have got a house means I can chill out a bit and not be as anxious about the future.

How do the public react when they see you out and about?

Everyone’s been so lovely. It’s very nice when I get families coming up to me saying their children love me, especially when they say: ‘My little girl adores you.’ That makes me so proud because there aren’t a lot of northern women on the TV. I try to be a good role model for northern women.

Would you like to host your own primetime show – saturday night with scarlett, perhaps?

I don’t think anything could beat Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway. For my next show, though, I’d love to do a documentar­y. I love history so it could be about the suffragett­es, and people could see a different side to me.

Do you enjoy being famous – and is there a downside?

Like every other person in the world, I have bad days, when I could sit in bed in my onesie all day but that would be no life. So I just try and enjoy every opportunit­y I’m given.

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Dressing up: Scarlett as Mary Poppins with ant and Dec

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