TV Times

Your stars

Phone now for weekly, monthly, compatibil­ity and tarot readings

- with Marion Williamson

ARIES (21 March-19 April)

With the life-affirming Sun in your sign on Wednesday, you’ll be full of beans. Your gung-ho attitude will delight some but annoy others. Make sure there’s water in the swimming pool of life before diving in. Call... 09058 170 399* Lotto No 22

TAURUS (20 April-20 May)

It will be easy to take yourself too seriously this week. A small criticism could rankle more than it should. You have got things out of proportion or are focusing on something not meant to offend. Just chill! Call... 09058 170 400* Lotto No 10

GEMINI (21 May-20 June)

Mercury goes ‘retrograde’ on Friday, which means you’ll get a second chance to redo or relive something. Back up your computer and check your car as this is a time of travel chaos and problems with communicat­ions. Call... 09058 170 401* Lotto No 6

CANCER (21 June-22 July)

Good ideas might be short-lived this week, especially ones inspired by late-night drinking! Expect a couple of false starts before the ‘ping’ moment, but when it comes, it will prove to be an almost perfect solution. Call... 09058 170 402* Lotto No 18

LEO (23 July-22 August)

Harsh budgeting on a shopping trip could make you feel like a kid in a sweet shop with no teeth! Avoiding temptation will remind you that you do have willpower. Don’t go mad with a celebratio­n of your frugality! Call... 09058 170 403* Lotto No 2

VIRGO (23 August-22 September)

This is the week that thinking about doing something counts for nothing, but taking even baby steps towards your goal will cause an avalanche of opportunit­ies. Stop talking and start doing, you’ll see results. Call... 09058 170 404* Lotto No 32

LIBRA (23 September-23 October)

Replacing bad habits with good ones won’t be easy if you’re annoyed about it before you begin. You want to improve your life because it will make you happier. Put up notes to remind yourself what you want to achieve. Call... 09058 170 405* Lotto No 38

SCORPIO (24 October-22 November)

Don’t let a minor setback make you chuck in the towel this week. You’re far nearer to your goal than you realise. Just because you lose a small battle doesn’t mean you can’t win the war. Believe in yourself! Call... 09058 170 406* Lotto No 24

SAGITTARIU­S (23 Nov-21 December)

There will be awesome opportunit­ies at work, but initially things could prove a little chaotic. You’ll need to be kind to yourself in your downtime and properly relax, otherwise you’ll be like a car with no petrol. Call... 09058 170 407* Lotto No 13

CAPRICORN (22 December-20 January)

Mars, the warrior planet, moves into your sign. If you’ve been looking for a kick up the bum, it’s here! Even small amounts of effort will get you over the finish line, so imagine what a dedicated plan of attack could achieve! Call... 09058 170 408* Lotto No 37

AQUARIUS (21 January-18 February)

Life feels a little unstructur­ed this week. What seemed like a good plan a few months ago now doesn’t appeal. Friends and family will help if you ask for their opinion, but if you ask for their advice, be prepared not to like it! Call... 09058 170 409* Lotto No 29

PISCES (19 February-20 March)

Don’t give yourself a hard time about taking it easy this week. There’ll be plenty of time to conquer the world next week. Even an afternoon of ‘me time’ will be enough to remind you what’s really important. Call... 09058 170 410* Lotto No 30

*STARLINES cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge and last approx 4 mins. Callers must be 18+. You must have the bill payer’s permission. Updated every Thursday. SP Spoke: 0333 202 3390.

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