TV Times

Emmerdale, Hollyoaks and Doctors


Should Joe underestim­ate Cain? Definitely


The Dark Dingle tackles the businessma­n about blackmaili­ng Debbie

It’s no wonder Charity blows a gasket when she sees her daughter Debbie back on the arm of Joe Tate this week.

The nasty so-and-so broke Debbie’s heart, screwed over

Zak and Lisa, and almost killed Noah and Samson when he bulldozed Wishing Well Cottage. No one’s that good a kisser, surely!

But the pair’s ‘reunion’ isn’t as it seems. As far as Debbie’s concerned, she’d be happy for her mum to break into Home Farm and leave Joe another of her special ‘presents’. She still detests the ruthless rotter, and is only with him under duress. Joe knows about her involvemen­t in the acid attack on Ross, and is using it to his advantage.

‘Joe and Debbie have come to an arrangemen­t,’ teases Ned Porteous, who plays the handsome millionair­e. ‘They both need something from one another.’

It’s obvious that Joe still fancies the pants off Debbie, and would rather work off calories in the bedroom with her than on his expensive treadmill. As for Debs, she needs to play ball to make sure Joe keeps his mouth shut.

Knowing her fate is in his hands, she feels obliged to attend his swanky golf party, and to wear a posh frock he’s bought her for the occasion. And, she later agrees to join him for dinner. Joe pulls out all the stops to make it romantic, but his sincerity unnerves her.

‘Joe will go to extraordin­ary lengths to get what he wants,’ says Ned. ‘I’m sure he does care that Debbie feels uncomforta­ble, but his needs, wants and desires right now overthrow his immediate reaction to how she feels.’

But as Joe enjoys his power, is he about to come unstuck? When Charity tells Cain about the big ‘romance’, he’s instantly suspicious and confronts his daughter, who admits that Joe is blackmaili­ng her.

Cain’s seething, and squares up to the schemer at Home Farm.

‘Up to now, Joe hasn’t had much contact with Cain to get a gauge of him as a character,’ adds Ned, ‘so he probably underestim­ates him. But should he? Definitely not!’

Will Cain force the brooding businessma­n to back off?

 ??  ?? Confrontat­ion: Cain wants Joe to back off Not welcome: Debbie’s appearance with Joe shocks
Confrontat­ion: Cain wants Joe to back off Not welcome: Debbie’s appearance with Joe shocks

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