TV Times

Keanu in peril?


The mechanic takes on a local gang – but is he out of his depth?

We may have seen the last of the violent gang who attacked Shakil and Keegan, but now there’s a new group of hoodlums causing strife on the Square. This time, it’s Keanu who gets tangled up with the troublemak­ers, after finding out they’ve dragged young Dennis into their dodgy dealings.

Dennis comes across the mob at Mcklunky’s. He’s supposed to be hanging out at The Arches, but Keanu – who has been tasked with looking after the lad by Phil – is too busy mending motors to play supernanny, and tells him to make himself scarce for a while. At the chicken shop, the schoolboy buys a phone from the teens, and agrees to do them a favour in return for cash.

Keanu worries when Dennis is gone longer than expected, and is relieved when he finally returns. But the discovery of a suspicious­looking rucksack at The Arches leaves him rattled, and he’s further shocked when Dennis calls by to retrieve the bag. When the gang then turn up, Keanu threatens them with the police, but they’re hardly quaking with fear. They send Dennis a threatenin­g text, and Keanu realises what kind of people he’s dealing with when he takes a look at the bag’s contents.

Dennis panics when he learns what was inside the mysterious sack. Keanu reassures him he’ll ‘sort it’, only to later discover the garage has been broken into and trashed. In need of back-up, he decides to involve Phil, but changes his mind when Dennis gets another text, and he heads off to meet the gang, alone. Will Keanu pay for his bravery with a trip to A and E?

 ??  ?? Mistake: Keanu realises Dennis is in trouble Alone: Keanu
stands up to the gang
Mistake: Keanu realises Dennis is in trouble Alone: Keanu stands up to the gang

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