TV Times

Eastenders, Neighbours and Home & Away

Sick Stuart plots revenge against the Carters


Halfway goes to Stuart’s regular

haunts, on a mission to find his brother

This time last year, the biggest threat to the Carters’ ’appiness was Fi Browning’s attempt to restock the bar at The Vic with craft ale. How things have changed! Twelve months on, and they now have someone way more sinister to contend with, in the shape of Stuart.

Mick’s former mate was revealed to have locked Tina in a car boot back in the day, leaving her in fear of her life. Tina’s since attacked Stu, and the close-knit clan have sent him to Coventry. But he’s not about to crawl under a rock just yet…

The faaarmly have an inkling that they’ve not seen the last of the twisted tormentor when they find a cryptic note at The Vic. Halfway recognises the writing as his brother’s, and Mick is horrified to realise Stuart has been in their home. His instinct is to track Stuart down, but Linda and Shirley stop him, and he and Linda then take an oblivious Tina on a mini-break to Saarf End to protect her from the drama.

The trio’s departure leaves just Shirley and Halfway pottering around at the pub, but they soon have more important things to do than stock-taking and serving pints. Stuart leaves Halfway a message that has the former soldier worried for his sibling’s wellbeing and, fearing the worst, the pair head to Stuart’s flat.

‘Shirley and Halfway find the place empty,’ reveals our Walford mole, ‘so Halfway goes to Stuart’s regular haunts, on a mission to find his brother. Shirley stays at the flat, and when she comes across Stuart’s photo album, she can’t resist having a look.’ What will Shirley find?

Meanwhile, when Tina and co. return from the seaside, memories of cockles and candyfloss quickly go out of the window for Teen when she finds out about Stuart’s note. She’s livid that her loved ones kept it from her, and she packs her bags.

Sonia finds her ex-girlfriend headed for the tube station, and after the women have had a heartto-heart, Tina returns to The Vic, determined not to let Stuart win.

But unbeknowns­t to her and everyone else, the burly bully has returned to his flat, and is plotting his revenge against the clan.

What does he have in mind?

 ??  ?? Search: Shirley helps Halfway look for Stuart Bad guy: What is sinister Stuart planning next?
Search: Shirley helps Halfway look for Stuart Bad guy: What is sinister Stuart planning next?
 ??  ?? Nosy: Shirley turns detective at Stuart’s flat
Nosy: Shirley turns detective at Stuart’s flat

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