TV Times


Her abuser, DI Bails, stands trial for his twisted crimes


Having had the courage to tell the police about her grooming ordeal at the hands of DI Bails, Charity Dingle must now take to the stand in a bid to get her evil nemesis sent to prison. But as Bails’ trial draws near, Charity wonders if she is strong enough for the task ahead.

‘There are many times when she thinks, “Do you know what, I’m just going to pull out,”’ says emma atkins, who plays her.

Charity knows the odds are stacked against her – she was a prostitute and she’s been in prison for fraud, while

Bails has friends in high places.

‘Charity wonders how on earth a jury would ever believe her over Bails,’ says emma. ‘also, raking up her past means she has to keep reliving it, and there are images in her head she would rather forget.’

Charity’s partner, Vanessa, offers her support, and Charity hopes the Dingles

will be there for her, too. But the family still don’t know that ryan is her and Bails’ son, which will inevitably come out in court.

‘She also worries that ryan may be put under pressure to speak in court,’ says emma. ‘Charity is damaged goods, really, and you realise that even more this autumn, as she battles with her demons.’

Will Charity stick to her guns, or will she back down and let Bails off the hook?


 ??  ?? abuser: Will Charity see Bails go down?
abuser: Will Charity see Bails go down?

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