TV Times

A shot in the dark

As Stuart plots revenge against the Carters, a bullet is fired. Who pulls the trigger and who has been shot?


Mick walks away but then Stuart goads him and he explodes…

There was once a time when the only thing that could strike terror into the Carters was the prospect of Linda doing karaoke. But then Mick’s old mate Stuart arrived. He despises the faarmly, who have disowned him for his historical assault on Tina, and this week he turns up at The Vic to exact revenge.

Psycho Stu has keys to the gaff, having previously paid Dennis to rob them. He relishes having access to the clan, and as the action kicks off on Monday, he sends Mick a video. Mick’s livid at what he sees, and heads off to Stuart’s flat to confront him.

‘When Mick arrives, he sees that Stuart has laid out some tools – he wants Mick to have a pop at him,’ reveals our Eastenders mole. ‘Mick walks away, but then Stuart goads him and he explodes…’

Linda’s terrified when Mick returns and shows her the footage. She’s not the only one on edge. Dylan – the guy who reported Stuart for an attack similar to the one Tina endured – tells Tina that Stuart has been intimidati­ng him and he fears for his life. Sympatheti­c Teen allows him to stay the night.

Meanwhile, Halfway is worried for Whitney’s safety, and asks her to stay with him so he can protect her. Wouldn’t she be better off at the Slaters’ with personal pitbulls Kat, Mo and Hayley? Halfway may be a soldier, but unless he’s got a secret weapon under his bobble hat, we wouldn’t trust him to fight his way out of a paper bag.

As everyone heads off to bed, Mick is unsettled so takes Lady Di for a walk. He’s right to be tense, as Stuart has sneaked into the pub. He has big plans for his enemies and has paid Dennis to do another ‘job’ – hiding something for his older ‘friend’. Soon, disaster strikes. ‘A gunshot rings out, and panic ensues,’ explains our mole. ‘An ambulance and the police arrive, and later, someone is arrested.’

Who has pulled the trigger, and who has taken the bullet? And is the person nicked by the cops really the guilty party?

 ??  ?? Concerned: Halfway fears for Whitney
Concerned: Halfway fears for Whitney

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