TV Times

Letters, horoscopes


- with Marion Williamson

ARIES (21 March-19 April)

You’re full of sensible, no-nonsense advice this week. Friends and family could do with your level-headed approach to help them get things in order. If asked, be tactful! Not everyone is as honest as you!

Call... 09058 170 399*

Lotto: 14

Taurus (20 April-20 May)

It’s a lovely week to get organised, Taurus, and there’s something on your To Do list that’s been there far too long. Tackle what’s holding you back – a few moments outside your comfort zone will expand your horizons.

Call... 09058 170 400*

Lotto: 6

Gemini (21 May-20 June)

Uranus, planet of the eccentric genius, and Saturn, the serious taskmaster, are both demanding your time and energy at the moment. If you want to do something crazy – do it as sensibly as possible!

Call... 09058 170 401*

Lotto: 3

cancer (21 June-22 July)

Someone with a shared interest could make a big impression on you this week. Teaming up for a cause could be exciting and make you some new friends. Say yes to invitation­s, especially from new faces.

Call... 09058 170 402*

Lotto: 23

LEO (23 July-22 August)

The Sun creates an irritable ‘square’ angle to the Moon early in the week. If someone rubs you up the wrong way, try not to let them ruin your day. Create a little space for thought and calmness will return.

Call... 09058 170 403*

Lotto: 43

VIRGO (23 August-22 September)

You’re on fire Virgo! You have the answers to stubborn problems and you can see how you’re going to get where you need to be. A few calls and emails should be all it takes to get going on your next project!

Call... 09058 170 404*

Lotto: 5

Libra (23 September-23 October)

Your ideas and creative skills could turn out to have earning potential this week. A friend’s casual remark could remind you of something you had wanted to try, but the timing wasn’t right in the past. Well, it is now!

Call... 09058 170 405*

Lotto: 17

SCORPIO (24 October-22 November)

It’s a rewarding week for getting organised. Taking a hard look at your finances may make you wince, but you’ll see effortless ways to improve things. Selling online could also prove more lucrative than normal.

Call... 09058 170 406*

Lotto: 4

SAGITTARIU­S (23 November-21 December)

You’ve been in a reflective frame of mind lately. The space to think has helped you to get a glimpse of what you’d like your future to look like. Grab those hopeful glimmers and start making them work for you!

Call... 09058 170 407*

Lotto: 12

capricorn (22 December-20 January)

Saturn goes ‘direct’ on Thursday. And as it’s your ruling planet, you can expect life to gather pace. There’s going to be less ruminating and more positive action. Prepare to show everyone what you’re really made of!

Call... 09058 170 408*

Lotto: 28

Aquarius (21 January-18 February)

You feel braver than usual this week and with Mercury joining your cosmic boss, Uranus, speaking your mind will feel awesome. It’s the perfect week to stand up for yourself and others. Your opinion matters!

Call... 09058 170 409*

Lotto: 11

PISCES (19 February-20 March)

Someone you’ve known for ages is keen to attract your attention, but you’ve been wrapped up in your own world. The universe is trying to point you in the right direction, so stop looking at the ground!

Call... 09058 170 410*

Lotto No 30

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