TV Times

Scarlett Moffatt on hosting Extra Camp

the 2016 winner Scarlett Moffatt on how this year’s I’m a Celebrity... stars can impress

- Victoria Wilson

After being crowned Queen of the Jungle in 2016, last year Scarlett Moffatt landed the job of co-hosting sister show I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp, alongside Joe Swash and Joel Dommett.

With the trio now back on our screens bringing us all the gossip from the current series, it’s safe to say Scarlett’s come a long way since her TV debut on C4’s Gogglebox.

TV Times met up with Scarlett, 28, before she flew out to Australia to get her advice for the new campmates and find out how life has changed since she won the show…

It’s great to have you back hosting Extra Camp again!

Does it feel like work?

Yes! Because of the time difference, it’s like a 10-hour night shift. I’ve done that before when I worked at Asda. This is harder than that.

It’s more mentally tiring because you have to think of new and funny things to do. I really like doing the interviews on this show. I often have to play devil’s advocate – although we all have our own opinions, you can’t voice them too much.

Are you pleased that Holly Willoughby is co-hosting the main show this series?

Yes, I’m thrilled Holly’s here because both shows are very testostero­ne-heavy, so I’m really pleased there’s another lady on board. Holly is literally scared of everything, so it’s fun to see her involved. Holly’s been on TV as long as I remember and is a proper profession­al. We all miss Ant, though.

You won the show two years ago. What do you think you learned about yourself during your time in the jungle?

The trials make you realise just how strong you are. I remember when I fell in the water during the canoe challenge at the start and Larry Lamb had to save me.

My mam said when she read that in the papers she thought,

‘Oh God, she hasn’t even got in yet and she’s had to be rescued.’ Before I went in she told me, ‘Don’t say

“I’m a celebrity…” straight away – just try and then you’ll feel brilliant.’

What makes someone popular with fellow campmates?

I’m not telling them to cheat but they should definitely try to smuggle in some condiments. In my year, I put salt and pepper in my bra not realising I’d have to do the canoe challenge, so when I came out of the lake it was all soggy! So, while it was a good idea, it was a complete waste of time.

Is there anyone you would like to see as a campmate?

I want to see Jane Mcdonald in there, I love her! She’d be on her hammock singing, make everything cheery and talk about cruising. I really want her to go in!

What do you think is the key to winning?

You’ve got to be yourself. The cameras are on you all the time. I can’t imagine trying to be someone else for three weeks.

You’ve done so much since winning the show, including a stint on

Ant & Dec’s Saturday

Night Takeaway. Are you pleased with how your TV career is going?

To be honest, I never wanted to get into telly

– I initially went to uni to become a primary-school teacher. Being up north, you don’t ever think TV work is within your reach.

But then I did Gogglebox for two years and started doing radio and I thought, ‘Actually, I really like this presenting stuff.’ Then I got the chance to go into the jungle. That’s when people get to see your personalit­y and luckily they thought I was all right!

What’s the best thing about it? Being able to take my family places – for New Year we’re going to go to Hong Kong. My nana came out to Australia last year. She kept saying to me, ‘You know, in my lifetime I’m never going to go to Australia.’ So I was like, ‘Do you want to come, Nan?’ How could I not take her?

They should try to smuggle in some condiments

 ??  ?? Winner: Scarlett with ant and Dec Dream campmate: Jane mcdonald
Winner: Scarlett with ant and Dec Dream campmate: Jane mcdonald

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