TV Times



- with Marion Williamson



(21 March-19 April) Mars forms a useful angle with fortunate Jupiter on Tuesday, putting a smile on your face. Perhaps a friend does you a lovely favour or a bit of luck lands in your lap… Whatever happens, somebody up there likes you!

Call... 09058 170 399*

Lotto No 14


(20 April-20 May) There’s a full Moon in your sign on Tuesday, Taurus, which happens once a year. Things are changing for you emotionall­y, with endings and new beginnings on your mind. A week to make plans and move on from the past.

Call... 09058 170 400*

Lotto No 10


(21 May-20 June) Mercury’s still retrograde – and you’ll be feeling its effects most acutely. It’s a time of renewing, rediscover­ing and reviewing. Perhaps an area of your life is on hold until something’s cleared up. Be patient; these details matter.

Call... 09058 170 401*

Lotto No 13


(21 June-22 July) The cosmic body that affects you most – the Moon – is full this week in the sign of Taurus, which falls in the part of your horoscope that represents your social life. It’s time to get outside and make some friends!

Call... 09058 170 402*

Lotto No 16


(23 July-22 August) The Sun, your cosmic master, meets Mercury, shining a light on communicat­ions. The way you converse will be under scrutiny – whether you’re having difficulty relating to people or need to speak up for yourself.

Call... 09058 170 403*

Lotto No 30


(23 August-22 September) A little inspiratio­n is needed to remind you how wonderful it is to be alive. You’re stuck in a routine and need to connect to music, art and creativity to break free. An exciting change of lifestyle is on the cards…

Call... 09058 170 404*

Lotto No 47


(23 September-23 October) Venus, your most influentia­l planet, creates a difficult angle to Neptune this week. Relationsh­ips may prove confusing – and the more you try to make sense of them the more perplexed you’ll be. The fog will lift next week!

Call... 09058 170 405*

Lotto No 7


(24 October-22 November) The full Moon is in your opposite sign, shedding light on your relationsh­ips and how you relate to others. If you’ve been feeling a bit stuck, the full Moon energies will give you a bit of a shove to get things moving.

Call... 09058 170 406* Lotto No 9


(23 November-21 December) Action planet Mars forms an auspicious angle to your ruling planet, Jupiter, at the start of the week. This is an excellent omen for anyone needing a push in the right direction. Doors finally open and the lights turn green…

Call... 09058 170 407*

Lotto No 27


(22 December-20 January) This week Saturn, the planet with the biggest say in your life, creates a fortunate link with Neptune, the planet of imaginatio­n. It’s a good week if you feel the need to break free – ideas for new ways of living abound!

Call... 09058 170 408*

Lotto No 13


(21 January-18 February) With Mercury travelling backwards through the career area of your horoscope, there could be delays at work. This is a good time for a few days off. Things are going on behind the scenes, so relax and let them happen.

Call... 09058 170 409* Lotto No 33


(19 February-20 March) Saturn throws some useful, practical advice your way this week. Although this might mean a temporary halt in some areas, you’ll be glad you got a chance to review things before going full steam ahead.

Call... 09058 170 410*

Lotto No 2

*STARLINES cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge and last approx 4 mins. Callers must be 18+. You must have the bill payer’s permission. Updated every Thursday. SP Spoke: 0333 202 3390.

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