TV Times

Will Aaron KILL Luke?

He squares up to Lee’s brother, armed with a golf club…


Wendy’s thinking, ‘Where is this going to end?’

It’s not just Victoria who is vexed by Wendy’s move to the village – so, too, is Aaron. The mum’s presence is a constant reminder of what he has lost.

After all, if her evil lad, Lee, hadn’t raped Vic, then hubby Robert wouldn’t have duffed Lee up and been jailed for life for his murder.

Determined to drive her out, Aaron has embarked on a sinister campaign of harassment, and it looks like it could have a deadly conclusion when he charges at her other son, Luke, with a golf club…

Wendy’s desperate to stay put so that she can have a hand in raising Vic’s baby – her grandchild – and has landed herself a job at the surgery. But she’s taken offguard when Aaron earlier pitches up for an ‘appointmen­t’.

‘Aaron keeps loitering around,’ says Susan Cookson, who plays Wendy. ‘He’s always there, intimidati­ng her and Luke. Wendy’s trying to understand that he has lost someone, too, but it’s incredibly uncomforta­ble for her, especially when he turns up at her place of work, where she’s trying to be profession­al.

‘Each time she sees him, he’s more menacing and more

threatenin­g, and she’s thinking, “Where is this going to end?”’

Luke’s livid when he learns of Aaron’s actions, and launches at his neighbour. But it seems Aaron isn’t finished yet. As Wendy’s later talking to Bob, she sees him approachin­g.

She hurries into her car, so frightened that she drops her bag in the process. But as she heads off, she realises danger is still close by.

‘She thinks she’s being followed by someone,’ adds Susan. ‘There’s a terrifying car chase, and the driver behind her is flashing their lights at her. She’s scared.’

Given Aaron’s previous behaviour, Wendy assumes he’s at the wheel. But is she right, or is someone else out to get her?

Later in the village, Luke arrives home and is shocked to see Aaron staring at him. As the two men talk, Aaron becomes increasing­ly angry and works himself up into a fit of rage. Grabbing a golf club, he then charges at Luke – and he has a murderous look in his eye.

Is Aaron about to rob Wendy of her remaining son, and join Robert in the clink?

 ??  ?? Revenge: Aaron targets rapist Lee’s family
Revenge: Aaron targets rapist Lee’s family
 ??  ?? Intimidati­on: Aaron shows up at
Wendy’s work
Intimidati­on: Aaron shows up at Wendy’s work

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