TV Times

‘I hope it provokes


From left: Rin and Robin, Joana, Anita, and Kevin and Kerry studio, they then watch how their kids got on, and then they justify why they choose to bring their children up the way they do. The studio audience decide who has the best parenting style that week, and the winners of each of the four episodes go through to the final – and then we decide on Britain’s Best


Why did this series appeal to you? It’s one of those subjects everybody’s interested in – whether you’ve got kids or not, everyone has an opinion on parenting. I loved it! wants to play with, whether he wants to cut his hair or not. Kevin and Kerry are our ‘lazy’ parents. They choose to let their boys do whatever they want: if they want to eat a whole packet of biscuits and throw up, then that’s up to them and they’ll learn. And Rin and Robin are a mixed-race couple who have an Eastern inf luence and a Western inf luence, who bring their children up as ‘scholar warriors’…

Laissez-faire: Easy-going Kevin

and Kerry

What can you tell us about the families featured in episode one? Joana is a ‘gender fluid’ parent – her little boy chooses whatever he wants to wear, whatever toys he

Were there any styles that were completely new to you?

No, but there were really different ways of doing things. In episode three, you’ll meet Becky and Ben, who are ‘creative home educators’ – they’re probably laughing right now during lockdown because they’ve been home-educating forever! So that will be an interestin­g episode to watch.

How did the parents handle the feedback in the studio?

They handled it really well, actually. There are moments when it does get into a good debate, but you want this kind of stuff to be debated. They were all brilliant parents who were totally up for it – they got on and were interested in what the others had to say.

Do you think the series will provoke a lot of debate?

I hope so! I’m going to be watching it with Twitter open to see what people say. We need something to keep us all occupied, don’t we? And everyone’s kids are at home as well, so you never know – we might be helping by giving people ideas!

How has lockdown affected you? For the first two weeks, I was running around like a headless chicken, and now I’m just in the

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