TV Times

Eastenders and Hollyoaks

Linda makes a big decision, prompting Sharon to take action…



Phil and Sharon’s reunion came to a screeching halt last week when Shazbang decided she couldn’t give up baby Kayden. Unable to stomach the idea of raising Keanu Taylor’s son, Phil gave it the old ‘Ge rara my house’ routine once again, forcing his missus to grab her bundle of joy and make tracks from chez Mitchell.

This week, as Sharon reacquaint­s herself with Ian’s spare room, Phil remains resolute about getting get his hands on The Queen Vic, which he now has the cash to buy following his warehouse robbery. But there’s a problem. When Linda gets wind of how Phil has treated her mate, she no longer wants him to have her beloved boozer.

‘Linda would love to be able to stay at The Vic,’ says our Walford insider, ‘but she knows that it’s not the right environmen­t for her to live in as she tries to stay sober. ‘In her mind, if she couldn’t run it herself, then having Sharon at the helm was the next best thing. Selling to Phil when he has rejected Sharon so cruelly just feels completely wrong.’

Mick is reluctant to pull out of the sale as they have already put a deposit down on a flat. Linda, however, is not for turning. And when Phil later calls by to ask Mick to finalise the contract, she furiously retorts that the deal is off.

But it’s not just money that’s on Mick’s mind. He fears that the longer he and ‘L’ are living in The Vic, the more chance his wife has of falling off the wagon. Explaining his worries to Sharon, he asks her to persuade Linda to sell to Phil so they can cut ties with the place and move on.

Sharon agrees that her friend needs to get out. But will she stand back and watch Phil take over, or does she have another plan up her sleeve?

‘The Vic is the one thing that connects Sharon to her past,’ says Letitia Dean, who plays her. ‘She grew up there. It feels like her home.’

Could Sharon, somehow, end up back behind the bar?

 ??  ?? Change of heart: Linda tells Mick she
won’t sell to Phil
Change of heart: Linda tells Mick she won’t sell to Phil
 ??  ?? Hurt: Could Sharon get one
over on Phil?
Hurt: Could Sharon get one over on Phil?

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