TV Times

Emmerdale, Neighbours and Home & Away

The Dingle shares a big secret with Vinny




There are worse places to spend the lockdown period than in a beauty salon, and the popular village pamper spot Beauty & Bernice is where Mandy and Vinny are shut away.

In addition to having a plethora of face packs, body scrubs and massage oils at their disposal, the duo also have a shower and toilet, a couple of camp beds, a microwave, some beers and a karaoke machine. What more could anyone want?

‘They have moved there from the Dingle house because Sam is really worried about Lydia’s health,’ explains Lisa Riley, who plays Mandy. ‘Mandy is such a busybody and will have seen everyone, so she could probably be a coronaviru­s supersprea­der – so it’s best to keep her away from the others!’

Mands is happy to have some one-on-one time with the lad she has raised as her own, and is a tad peeved when she realises he fancies Liv.

‘She’s very controllin­g where Vinny is concerned,’ adds Lisa, ‘plus, she wraps him in about 85 layers of cotton wool. So in true Mandy style, she tries to put him off Liv. Essentiall­y, she is jealous of him being interested in spending time with someone other than her.’

As the days roll by, the pair’s booze stash inevitably runs dry, and Mandy’s desperate to get her mitts on Leyla’s chilled bubbly that she keeps for clients. Only the fridge is locked, and there’s no sign of the key.

But the pursuit of Prosecco soon gives way to more serious matters, as she and Vinny talk about Paul; Vin’s estranged father, who recently pitched up in the village on a mission to get to know the son he abandoned as a toddler. Vinny wants contact with the fella, but Mandy wants him out of the picture.

‘Paul Ashdale has set off memories of her pain and anguish,’ explains Lisa. ‘She was so hurt by him, and it has damaged her, so she is very wary of Vinny bringing him back into their lives.’

As they discuss the past, Mandy stuns the teen by revealing a long-held secret that has had a huge bearing on her life.

‘She has kept it for 15 years,’ teases Lisa. ‘It’s the big “bomb” of the episode, and things will suddenly make sense.’

What has Mandy been hiding?

 ??  ?? Shock revelation: What’s Mandy been keeping from Vinny?
Shock revelation: What’s Mandy been keeping from Vinny?
 ??  ?? Threat: Paul’s return has shaken
poor Mandy
Threat: Paul’s return has shaken poor Mandy
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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