TV Times

‘He might be gullible, but he’s not stupid’


Does Tim believe Geoff is innocent, or is he having doubts? At this stage, he wants to believe his dad – how could this man he has loved all his life do such a thing? Others on the Street are saying different, but when people are attacked, they defend. Alya is getting on Tim’s nerves; she’s far too gobby. I think maybe what Eileen has said has made him think a little, but when people plant these seeds in his mind, he squares it with himself and dismisses it.

How does he feel about the fact Sally sees things differentl­y?

He thinks she should be on his father’s side because he’s family, and family comes first. It has certainly taken out the humour between us, but that will come back once we’re through this serious stuff.

What do you think it would take for Tim to see the light? Probably seeing some meaty evidence, and perhaps meeting people who Geoff has had dealings with in the past. I think the more evidence that is stacked against Geoff from people Tim trusts, the more Tim might turn. He might be a bit gullible, but he’s not stupid.

How will Tim react when the truth is inevitably exposed?

It’s going to really damage that relationsh­ip. I don’t think Tim will necessaril­y side and sympathise with Yasmeen because he’s not really that bothered about her, but if he finds out that his dad behaved like this with his mum, that’s a whole different story. I think he’ll distance himself from him,


Is it important to you that Tim and Sally’s marriage survives?

Absolutely. Tragedy doesn’t necessaril­y need to come from break-ups, and what I like about Tim and Sally is that they are monogamous and they stick together. They’re opposites… but they have a good sex life!

You’ve had a long break from filming during lockdown. How have you filled your days?

I’ve been walking a lot, cleaning bird pooh off my car a lot, cooking, and trying to be a bit healthy. And looking after my kids. Sally [Joe’s fiancée, Sally Carman, who plays Abi] and I spent a lot of the time in the Yorkshire Dales, but now we’re back in Manchester, which is difficult for me. I’m a country boy.

How do you feel about Coronation Street resuming filming?

Well, they’ve had to rewrite a lot as we’re not having more than two or three people in a scene. Tim and Sally were supposed to be getting married, but with COVID-19 it will have to be a different type of wedding. It’s a shame Tim’s horse has gone – I really fancied him riding into the reception on it!

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