TV Times

Marry in haste...

Kush sets a date for his and Whitney’s wedding – next week!


With a hefty prison sentence looming,

Kush is keen to get his affairs in order, and makes the snap decision to marry Whitney in just a week’s time.

Can Mick and Linda rustle up a finger buffet at such short notice? More importantl­y, will psycho

Gray accept defeat and stay out of the couple’s lives?

The thought of being banged up has put a dampener on Kush’s life for a while, and now he’s even more worried, given what’s happened to Stacey. Son ‘Arfur’ could end up with both parents behind bars.

For the moment, the little lad is living with daddy Martin and Ruby, as are Hope and Lily, and that gives Kush cause for concern – he knows what Ruby is really like.

Ruby, it turns out, isn’t bearing up well. She’s stressed about her scan results for endometrio­sis, and having three kids sprung on her – especially one who hates her guts – isn’t helping .

Lily’s livid that her stepmum stitched Stace up, and wastes no time in getting revenge, leaving Ruby raging by cutting up her late mother’s wedding dress.

Kush’s fears for Arfur rocket as he overhears Ruby and Martin arguing, and he seizes the chance to confront Ruby while Martin is out.

Ruby cattily comments that he’s only plucked up the courage to speak to her because he knows Martin isn’t in, to which Kush responds by reminding her that he could tell her hubby her dark secrets – including how she paid him to run away with Arfur at New Year...

Whitney can see how much her fiancé is struggling, and she’s shocked when she later sees how readily he backs down when Martin has a pop at him. Spying Kat, she takes her anger out on her fella’s ex.

Phil’s then dragged into the saga by his secret lover, and tries to reassure Kush by giving him some survival tips for life on the inside. But it’s all too much for the condemned man.

His emotions swirling, Kush decides to get married to Whitney ASAP – he doesn’t want to waste any time, plus he reckons she’d be the perfect ‘mum’ to Arfur while he and Stace are indisposed.

But will everything go to plan?

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