TV Times

Emmerdale and Hollyoaks

Bob fears his girlfriend is having an affair with Dan


Last week, a tragedy at the wedding claimed the life of a villager. But who has died, and how is everyone coping with the fallout?

With the dramatic episodes still not screened as this issue went to press, officials at Emmerdale HQ were reluctant to reveal any clues – so the ‘big’ story this week is a love triangle involving Bob, Wendy and Dan. Ooh, the excitement. Strap yourselves in, folks – an explosion’s got nothing on this!

Bob has been dating Wendy since last year, but although everything seems tickety-boo from the outside, behind closed doors Bob isn’t entirely happy. It turns out the couple still haven’t ‘done it’.

Bob confides in Dan about his rumpy-free relationsh­ip, and his pal’s advice is to make it obvious that he wants to move things up a gear. With that in mind, Bob invites Wendy round for a candlelit dinner, and plies her with oysters and chocolate. Let’s just hope he manages to resist wearing a fancydress outfit. Oh ’eck, hang on…

‘It’s been a while since Bob’s been in the old fancy-dress box, so he’s got a little costume ready,’ reveals Tony Audenshaw, who plays the amorous barman.

‘He’s emulating someone who Bob looks a little bit like… Tom Cruise! Let’s just say he wants to take Wendy’s breath away.’ Lord, give us strength!

You wouldn’t blame Wendy for running for the hills, and that’s what she does. It’s very awkward the next day, and when Bob then notices that she and Dan are spending a lot of time together, his mind goes into overdrive.

‘It seems that every time Bob walks through Wendy’s door, Dan’s there,’ adds Tony. ‘He’s doing lots of favours for her, like fixing her car for free, and Bob thinks that maybe something’s going on.’

Finding the duo playing cards together, Bob becomes convinced that Wendy’s giving him a wide berth because his mechanic mate is servicing her engine, so to speak.

As he demands answers, will his suspicions be confirmed? Or is this just a daft misunderst­anding?

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