TV Times

Meena in meltdown

The serial killer seeks revenge and finds a new target…


Some people just can’t take a hint when it comes to romantic rejection, and Meena definitely falls into that category as she’s still not over David dumping her for Victoria. When the murdering medic seeks revenge this week, she ends up making another enemy and falling for a new fella – or should that be ‘victim’?!

Meena is determined to entice David back, but he’s properly loved-up with Vic and the pair are enjoying a romantic getaway in Portugal. The unhinged nurse gets a mixed reception from the locals when revealing she plans to make Mr Metcalfe her man again, with Nicola telling her to go for it while Amy and Manpreet are less enthusiast­ic and point out that ship has well and truly sailed.

Gripped by the green-eyed monster once more, menacing Meena breaks into Vic’s house (for what feels like the millionth time – why not just get a key cut?) and trashes the place in a jealous rage.

Amy is anxious when she returns home to discover the damage, and reports the break-in to the police. Meena is questioned by PC Swirling but denies everything and manages to wriggle out of her crime, as usual, without even being arrested. This angers Amy, who is convinced her housemate’s bitter love rival was behind it and she sets out to prove Meena is lying.

An altercatio­n between the gobby girls almost explodes into violence, stopped only by an observing Billy who breaks up the barney before it becomes a full-on brawl.

Meena is grateful for Billy’s help, and while she seethes at Amy’s accusation­s she starts to see the personal trainer in a whole new light and calls him her ‘knight in shining armour’.

Has Billy unwittingl­y turned himself into Meena’s next obsession?

 ?? ?? Rage: Jealous Meena breaks into
Victoria’s home
Rage: Jealous Meena breaks into Victoria’s home

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