TV Times

MOLLIE on Nina


Millie says that for Kelly, seeing Nina triggers PTSD. Is it the same for Nina?

Yes, I think the issue for Nina is that it seems Kelly is just going to get on with her life, and for Nina and Abi and other characters, they can’t do that. It feels like a similar situation to what she went through with Corey; knowing she is going to have to get used to having her around.

Do you think she would be sympatheti­c to Kelly, if she knew what she was going through?

Yes, I do – Nina is a very empathetic character. It’s just that right now, she is not thinking about her, she is thinking of people like poor Abi. Further down the line, when she finds out what is happening with Kelly, she will realise, ‘I don’t want to keep doing this.’ They are never going to be best friends, but it will get to a point where she has to approach things differentl­y.

Corey is finally in prison. How has that changed things for Nina?

Over the past few months, her priority has been to get justice for Seb. Now, she has achieved that, which is a really big deal because just before, she was almost starting to give up. But just because he’s gone, it doesn’t mean everything is going to be all right. It looks like everything is over and done with, but it isn’t, and not just for Nina.

Will the impact that the attack had on her become more apparent?

Yes, it’s long-lasting, and there will be bad times, darker times, that she will go through. There are glimpses of her being positive, but you do see both sides – days when she is all right and days when she is not.

She has reunited with Asha – why do you think she has taken that decision?

She did say to Asha that Seb would want her to be happy. I think she is accepting that life has to move on. There has been a bit of a 360degree turn – Nina was there for Asha during her hard times, and now Asha is there for Nina. The problem when they were first together was Asha’s lack of maturity; she was like a lovesick puppy, but Nina can see that she has really grown up.

What would you like the future to hold for Nina?

It has been a brilliant year and I want the stories to keep on coming, because that’s when you learn about characters. I’d like her to be happy, but it would be nice to still be on that roller coaster, having ups and downs. She has always been like that. Sometimes she is happy, and sometimes she is moody. I want her to stay that way.

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