TV Times


Meena’s determined to dispose of both Manpreet and Vinny


Brace yourself for full-on Emmerdale bonkersnes­s, as Meena sets her sights on not only murdering her sister, Manpreet, but also seeing off the Dales’ jumper-loving teen, Vinny.

Manpreet has been held hostage by her sibling for some time, after uncovering the truth about her killer streak in December. Vinny, bless him, was trying to find evidence to clear the name of Liv, who has been blamed for Ben’s demise, when he strayed into Meena’s lair.

As Meena sends Mandy a message from Vinny’s phone to explain his departure, Manpreet fills Vinny in on Meena’s victims.

The lad is terrified and, while Meena is in the village, he remembers he has his house keys in his pocket and kicks them over to where Manpreet is tied up, hoping she can use them to cut through the cable and escape.

But Meena then walks in and forces more drugs on her restrained relative.

‘Meena is 100% sold on killing Manpreet,’ says Paige Sandhu, who plays the Dales killer.

‘When Manpreet attempted to run away from her on New Year’s Eve, all bets were off.’

The next day, Manpreet finally reaches the keys and frees herself. As Meena returns, Manpreet wallops her with a plank of wood, injuring her wrist, only for Meena to overpower her and tie her up again.

Over at the surgery, meanwhile, Liam has pored over Meena’s medical notes and discovered she lied about her pregnancy and miscarriag­e. He’s super-suspicious when he then sees the wound on her wrist, and confronts her.

Meena threatens to accuse him of sexual harassment if he doesn’t keep quiet and, when she later returns to the barn, she tells Manpreet and Vinny that the GP’S interferen­ce has caused her to accelerate her plan to kill them.

Getting into the Dingle van, she drives it into the barn and leaves the engine on as she closes the barn door, intent on poisoning the duo with carbon monoxide.

‘Her original plan was to make their deaths look like an accident,’ adds Paige, ‘but now she’s getting excited about everyone in the village knowing who she is.

‘She sees herself as the queen of serial killers, and wants people to witness her glory.’

Can Manpreet and Vinny be rescued before it’s too late?


 ?? ?? Ruthless: Meena leaves her victims to choke on carbon monoxide
Revenge: Vinny learns about Meena’s crimes
Escape plan:
Can Manpreet and Vinny find a way out?
Ruthless: Meena leaves her victims to choke on carbon monoxide Revenge: Vinny learns about Meena’s crimes Escape plan: Can Manpreet and Vinny find a way out?
 ?? ??

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