TV Times


Ryan comes a cropper when he teams up with Debbie to rob the Bistro


Shock scenes in Weatherfie­ld this week – Ryan gets a storyline. The Dj-turned-bartender is desperate for a fresh start, and teams up with deadpan Debbie to rob the Bistro and cash in on the insurance.

Debbie, who needs the money to pay Ed compo for electrocut­ing him, has come up with the idea, but before you can say ‘inevitable disaster’, she gets cold feet.

Ryan’s livid and, as the Bistro’s casino night gets under way, he persuades her to come back on board with his plan to fuse the electrics and empty the safe.

Ryan Prescott, who plays the aimless thirty-something, explains, ‘He has convinced himself that there’s an opportunit­y out in Ibiza starting up a bar with some friends, if he can just come up with some cash.’

As the restaurant is plunged into darkness and the customers file out, Ryan stuffs the safe’s contents into his gym bag… only for Leanne to appear. He hides as she flicks a switch and the lights come back on, and then he makes out that he has just arrived.

Lea then announces that the casino night is back on, but she’s horrified to realise her business has been burgled. Debbie feigns shock and tells Ryan to call the police.

PC Tinker (who else?) soon pitches up, and when Ed points out that the CCTV system wouldn’t have been affected by a power cut, as it has a back-up circuit, Craig, Leanne, Nick,

Debbie and Ronnie watch the footage. It’s bad news for Ryan, who is clearly visible as the culprit and is subsequent­ly arrested for theft, while a suspicious Ronnie demands to know if Debbie was involved.

Over at Weathy nick, Ryan calls up Debbie and threatens to drop her in it, but he ultimately realises that’s not going to solve anything.

‘As long as she isn’t caught, there’s still a way for him to get his cut of the money,’ adds Ryan.

Returning to the cobbles, he assures Debs that he pretended he was coerced into committing the crime by some ne’er-do-wells who threatened to kill him.

But will his tall tale do the business or is he destined for an empty bank account and a stint inside?

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 ?? ?? Caught: The CCTV footage reveals all
Caught: The CCTV footage reveals all

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