TV Times





‘It was a wonderful surprise when I received the call asking me to take part. I thought, “Oh my goodness, I get to live my best life!” But I’m no sewer. I’d say I’m a five on a scale of one to 10. I did buy a sewing machine to practise on, though, and now I can’t switch it off!

‘As a young boy, making clothes for my dolls was my first passion. When I got into dancing, it was never about the dancing – it was the beautiful clothes they were wearing that caught my eye. So walking into the haberdashe­ry with all those fabrics was paradise.

‘The Christmas apron Pattern Challenge eased us in gently – it’s going to my mama. But I was stressed making the fancy-dress outfit. I was a bit ambitious and chose to make a Harry Styles jumpsuit. I was sweating buckets to get it done! I had the best time ever. I’ll definitely be creating my costumes in future.’



‘I’m left-handed and was always told I couldn’t do things, so when I was asked to take part, I thought, “I’m going to give it a go!”

‘It was like an Aladdin’s cave walking in the Sewing Room. I wasn’t nervous at all because it’s a Christmas special and it’s my favourite time of year. Plus my “rivals” are a lovely bunch.

‘I got a bum deal in the Transforma­tion Challenge as I picked the pooh-y brown bag, instead of green, white or red. It wasn’t my best work!

‘There’s a fantastic moment at the end where we have a dance with Patrick dressed as Cher, and Esme as Sonny, and I’m proud to say I was whizzed around the Sewing Room floor by Johannes [Natalie came fifth on 2009’s series of Strictly]. I loved it all. Although I won’t be making myself a dress any time soon!’



‘I couldn’t even sew on a button properly! If anyone needs an alteration, it goes to Auntie Mary – [my husband] Rod’s sister – who’s in her 90s. But I’d thrown myself into Celebrity Masterchef [in 2021], so I thought this couldn’t be as hard as cooking…

‘I made my festive apron with Rod in mind. I wanted to make it more rock ’n’ roll and found a silvery fabric so it looked frosty and – to add a little Rod – used leopard-print material as a fringe! He’ll be wearing it on Christmas Day. I sent him a photograph as he’s on tour in America, and he says he loves it!

‘The four of us had a lot of fun on this show; it didn’t feel particular­ly competitiv­e, although Johannes probably was!

But, you know what? I actually made myself proud.’



‘A lot of my mam’s friends just can’t believe I’m doing this! It has such a huge fan base as Esme’s so snazzy and Patrick’s a bit of a heart-throb, isn’t he?

‘My sewing skills are pretty non-existent – I used to take stuff to my nana’s as she knew what she was doing – and I was really, really nervous going on the show as I’m one of those people who wants to do well, so I put pressure on myself.

‘The Made-to-measure Challenge was stressful – four hours went by in the click of a finger – but I was really chuffed with the Dolly Parton dress I made. Somebody actually wore a dress I made!

‘I’m dreading watching the show, though, as I’m one of those people who sticks their tongue out when concentrat­ing – you’ll see me drooling all over the machine!’

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