TV Times



- With Sally Morgan

ARIES (21 March-19 April)

The New Moon heading towards Aquarius heralds a fresh start. Update your CV to make a great impression. Call... 09058 170 399*

TAURUS (20 April-20 May)

If you’re travelling, make sure you’ve updated everyone on your plans, especially if there’s a pet at home. Call... 09058 170 400*

GEMINI (21 May-20 June)

It is a great time to improve everything around you. Someone offers you unexpected help online.

Call... 09058 170 401*

CANCER (21 June-22 July)

Watch your spending and make a plan you know you can stick to. A refreshing change will come up this week.

Call... 09058 170 402*

LEO (23 July-22 August)

Balance is found in your emotional world. Think about what you’re looking for and focus on your needs.

Call... 09058 170 403*

VIRGO (23 August-22 September)

You are thinking of taking a break from social media. Enjoy the luxury while Mercury is still in retrograde.

Call... 09058 170 404*

LIBRA (23 September-23 October)

If you’re single, someone you meet will find you charming – could romance be on the cards? Change is coming… Call... 09058 170 405*

SCORPIO (24 October-22 November)

You may be tempted to analyse everything. But remember, it is what you tell yourself that affects how you feel! Call... 09058 170 406*

SAGITTARIU­S (23 Nov-21 Dec)

Spending time getting organised will help you blitz through your chores. An event with friends will be exciting. Call... 09058 170 407*

CAPRICORN (22 December-20 January)

If things feel out of order, work at getting yourself better organised. This will offer security and confidence. Call... 09058 170 408*

AQUARIUS (21 January-18 February)

As the Sun is moving towards your sign, consider various options that will help you to make savings. Call... 09058 170 409*

PISCES (19 February-20 March)

A developmen­t with Neptune will have you punching the air with joy. It’s very exciting but could be daunting, too. Call... 09058 170 410*

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