The Hardest Button To Button


I n Liverpool, jack white’s road crew are all dressed in three-piece suits and fedora hats, like Prohibitio­n-era mobsters dismantlin­g a speakeasy. This is yet another example of white’s love of uniform and colour schemes. with The white stripes, it was the much-imitated red, white and black outfits; in nashville, the Third man staff all wear black and yellow. jack white’s solo work leans towards a dark blue. while this is partly to stimulate a sense of camaraderi­e and partly to promote a work ethic, it’s also about white’s own mental filing system.

“when i was at school i had this vHs of a documentar­y about counterfei­t money,” he says. “This designer in europe was saying that american money is the same size and colour but in europe, different denominati­ons have different colours and sizes so you immediatel­y know what you are holding. That’s how i see it. i know that if i’m doing a jack white solo record it’s got a blue colour, Third man is yellow, white stripes is red. i know what goes where. it’s a way of dividing the different projects in my brain.”

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