(and Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Iceland, India and Morocco…)

- Jimmy Page’s world travels

“IWAS 21 and still a session musician when I first went to America. For a young man, it was the most incredible experience. I was invited out to stay in LA by Bert Berns, who I had done some work with in London [on Van Morrison sessions]. As well as the beautiful California sunshine, you could really feel something was happening out there. I saw The Byrds play one of their first shows at a place called Ciro’s. There was an intensity to the place. There were lots of beautiful people, but you have to remember the Watts riots had happened about a year before.

“The Yardbirds’ tour of Australia and NZ at the start of 1969 was a real milestone for me, too. I’m 23 years old and appearing on the bill with Roy Orbison. That still amazes me.

“I also fondly remember some of Zeppelin’s more unusual adventures. Denmark was a special place for us early on. When we were a new band, we played at the Gladsaxe teen club [September 7, 1968] in front a bunch of cross-legged kids. We played in Iceland in 1970. It was a whole different feel, but the audiences were very receptive to what was going on in the UK and America. Of course, Iceland inspired Robert to write a mini Viking saga that became ‘Immigrant Song’.

“For the sheer depth of musical heritage you cannot beat India. There’s such a connection with the ancient past through music. Likewise in Morocco. It’s humbling to work with master musicians there and a place where Robert and I did some great work. I’m a kid from Epsom in Surrey. I never dreamt learning the guitar would take me to these places.”

 ??  ?? Arriving at Honolulu Airport, holding Led
Zeppelin II master tapes, 1969
Arriving at Honolulu Airport, holding Led Zeppelin II master tapes, 1969

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