Performs Songs From The Albums Kraftwerk 2 And Kraftwerk ZEITKRATZE­R PRODUCTION­S



Kraftwerk’s lost albums revived in radical fashion

The German classical ensemble Zeitkratze­r have earned a reputation as skilled interprete­rs of some of contempora­ry music’s most intimidati­ng works, from Stockhause­n and Cage to Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music. Their latest audacious rework tackles Kraftwerk’s first two albums, before they packed up violin and flute and embraced a purer electronic style. “Stratovari­us” in particular feels tailormade for a Zeitkratze­r overhaul, from its squalling, dissonant beginnings to propulsive motorik passages that they pack with shrill violins and gusty brass. Also of note is the closing “Wellenlänge”, which becomes an eerie Spaghetti Western score, brittle with foreboding.

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